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About Chicstreak

  • Birthday 05/24/1995

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    Check out my shit on soundcloud.

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  1. Someone should probably grab him via steam, he's probably awake already due to the server being hosted on the east coast.
  2. Epic... It isn't like that. It's EVERYONE who is having that issue. One or two people... sure call that a complaint. But when no one can join, It's a problem.
  3. I've also been waiting for the server to pop back up, as I am imagining that Red is possibly attempting to fix the whole shitload of zombies deal. Either way, it will most likely be worth it, rather than being unable to kill zombies for hours at a time. Also, since I am apparently complaining about everything, I noticed that not everyone is speaking in English. This happens to annoy the shit out of me and I could possibly see this bothering other players, especially when combined with the lack of OOC and Radio uses.
  4. Actually, Yesterday while we were at Twiggy's BEFORE the restart, some chick came over, told us to leave, and then BAM! Thousands of zombies! Once we finally were living it up again about two hours later, oh looky here, another random encounter! And every time the same person came around, saying they were an item spawner. I'm not against keep up the zombie population, just not enough to eat our faces off every turn we make. But besides that I have a small other complaint about people not using radio, or OOC chat, (Also not using local when needed, but it isn't as bad) There should be a post on the main page about it so new Roleplayers won't pester the more experienced ones. But either way. I'm a huge fan of the server! Keep up the good work!
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