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  1. Hey thanks for the replies. If anyone else is having issues with the electricity desyncing...I made a backup copy of the servertest folder and uninstalled/reinstalled the game on my system. I then hosted the game on a different system with the backup world and my electricity was back. Seems drastic, but I tried a lot of stuff and that's what worked. If I log in with two clients on one machine, one admin and one non-admin, when I try the grantadmin command it says the player doesn't exist. Username, not character name right?.
  2. I've been hosting a server for my friends and myself for about a week now and I have some questions. I'm running build 25 in a windows environment and I connect to my server using localhost. 1. Regarding the soft reset... according to this page here: http://projectzomboid.com/blog/2014/03/road-to-unification/ "This resets everything in the world, such as zombies, loot, blood, characters." But does it really reset characters? In my experience is does not and the general consensus on the forums is that the users\user\zomboid\multiplayer folder is what contains your saves. Confirm/deny? If the players have their own characters locally, am I to ask them to delete their character files to ensure a completely fresh start? 2. I've noticed that when using the soft reset, zombies are often not spawned across large swaths of the map. I'm not 100% sure, but it seems that the zombies aren't spawning in the areas where the players characters were before the soft reset. Also, it seems like there are tons of windows broken in these zombie-barren areas. Has anyone else encountered this? Is there any way to avoid it other than ensuring all characters have been wiped before resetting? 3. When setting a custom timescale/"day length" using PZServerSettings.exe, my characters will use the custom timescale correctly. All of the other players report a normal timescale, but they all report differing actual gametime. Between all of this you get a jumbled mass of players experiencing day and night independently. A complete reset of the server with the default timescale setting ensures all players have their actual time and timescale synced. 4. After forcing a window open (moving to it and pressing the default "e") the player who forced it open can then climb through, but to other players it remains closed. The other players then have to open/close the window before it syncs. 5. I tried editing the world.db in SQLite Administrator to make more administrator accounts but I cannot get any account to be recognized as an admin. When I log in on an account I created I get recognized (the world.db's lastConnection field seems to confirm) but I cannot use any admin commands. I can log in as the default admin account, and I have full rights on it. 6. Finally, the most troubling bit: my characters are losing access to electricity before the electricity has cut out for all of the other players.. I log into my server and lights, refrigerators, and ovens function as if they have no power. All other players report functioning lights, etc. It doesn't matter which account I log in with, or which map I play on, or where I go in the maps...the electricity doesn't work and the only fix seems to be a server reset which I am not eager to drop on my players when Im the only one having this issue. Due to the nature of this problem I haven't been able to test it extensively; it has happened to me twice. After the first time I soft reset the server (and found that all of my players still had their characters intact) and I had electricity again. The only thing that seems to possibly be the cause is logging in and out between my character and the admin account. Thanks for reading. I've been eagerly awaiting multiplayer and its exciting to see this game's potential being realized. Cheers!
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