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The abilty to make Cars using molds and upgrade Them

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It would be cool to have where you can make a car useing molds , requireing a higher blacksmithing you could make a car frame then since you need a body for the car you can simth body work for the car. also I think this would be useful for the human NPCs that are coming after the 42 build (probably coming in build 43 or 44), the another useful thing this can be used for is muiltplayer and singleplayer primitive survial. Upgrades would improve the car more ethier adding spikes or a ramplow increase ethier the durabilty or how much damage it can cause while you could add more storage at the top. 

on another note you can make some sorta of clay mold for the frame of the car using a another frame from a car if you do that you can low the amount of blacksmithing skills you need

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