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Been playing PZ for some time, left a glowing review on steam. Always been sorta disappointed by the radio system. Its nice to have a radio system at all in the game, with lore, and useful information. But I always find myself turning on spotify music, or a podcast. Now I understand not adding the music, that can be expensive if you get your own made, and there are copyrights issues getting already made music in, but the lore, and talk channels? Why not voice those, even more so the Automated Emergency Broadcast System, you can just use a TTS voice for that. It just gets sorta frustrating to try to read the radio while driving, or be trying to do something else while soaking up the lore and such from the radio. I mean, hell. I'm actually from kentucky! I'd be glad to do one of the radio voices! Would love to see, or I guess hear, voiced radio stations. The same "More then 7 billion billion dollars was pledged to tackle some of the worst problems in developing countries" really has been starting to eat at me recently lol.

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