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Furniture Turning Black & Barricades Not Functioning in MP


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• Multiplayer.

• Host.

• No Mods.

• Reproduction steps:    


1. Start game on any difficulty

2. Enter various homes.

3. Occasional furniture is completely black as if blocked by an object or hidden behind a wall.


1b. Start game on any difficulty.

2b. Have a second player join.

3b. Find survivor home with barricaded windows and doors.

4b. Secondary player is able to open and interact with barricaded doors and windows, allowing movement completely through them.

5b. Attempt to interact with door, also possible to open them for the host once second player has interacted with them.


Additional notes: I have also noticed significant desyncronization with zombies. A friend and I have been fighting zombies that crawl over fences, and I hear and see him be bitten while the zombie is still crawling over the fence. Combat is also noticeably less fluid than version 41.63 in MP context. Two players, with pvp off, fighting the same zombie often ends with lacerations, scratches, or bites despite the zombie being hit repeatedly by secondary or tertiary player. Zombies occasionally lunge for a grapple despite being in the stunned animation. where they should not be able to attack.


Further testing can be performed for more data, as this occurred a few days ago. We stopped playing from frustration, and I am just now getting around reporting the bugs. That being said, the multi-player experience in the beta versions has been great. We appreciate all the hard work and completely understand how much work it takes to get things running smoothly. 


Happy Holidays!

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