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Can't right click anything after adding mods


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I just recently added a lot of mods and I noticed that now i can't right click to do any functions. Like for instance equipping a weapon or pouring out a bowl of water or closing/opening a window. The function is still there in the right click options but when i click it, nothing happens. Anyone know how to fix this?

Edit: Nevermind I think it's a problem with my inventory? I can open windows, but if I have an axe or bowl of water in my inventory, it wont let me dump the water or equip the axe.

Edit again: Some functions work... like ripping clothes to get ripped sheets, but i'm still having problems with wearing clothes in my inventory, or equipping my axe, or pouring my bowl of water on the ground

Final Edit: Found the problem. It was the mod "RMLockpickingMod" that was causing me to not be able to equip weapons or pour my bowl of water on the ground.

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