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Remodeling/destruction; more user friendly.


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So on my current save file I'm holed up in the warehouse. I have completely destroyed all the crates, furniture, and basically everything that wasn't useful to me so I could remodel into my own little fortress. But while doing all that destruction there was a lot of time where it would take me a good 5-10 min just to get that perfect right click to destroy the item, and well that just sucks and is annoying. 


I would like to see a new UI feature that would make the game a little user friendly than just spamming right click so you can smash things with your sledgehammer. instead when you right click you see a option (if you have the sledgehammer on your person) that says destroy objects, environment, world, etc. (just whatever fits the bill). When you click that option something like when you're building happens this little fake outline of a wall comes up so in turn you can left click and it will destroy the wall in that tile, then if you hit r it will show an outline of the floor, then you left click and you destroy the floor, and oh look again you pressed r again and now it's a crate and now when you left click you can destroy any type of furniture, carpentry, tables, fridges, etc. Just basically anything that's in the tile that isn't a wall or floor.


Another remodeling/destroying things idea. using the axe to destroy the walls and doors you make really wouldn't supply you with planks you would probably end up with destroyed chunks of scrap wood which it's only use would be fire wood. So using a hammer would make more sense to tear down those pesky lvl 0 walls when you are lvl 5 in carpentry. But just make it the same function as the axe: swing at it. 

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