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  1. Hello, I'm new to modding Project Zomboid and, if someone has a moment, I'm having a few difficulties. My questions revolve around an issue I'm having where I'm not able to use 'require' to get my other modules like I normally would. Here is what I would like to do in a bare bones example: --File: media/lua/server/MyMod/MyMod.lua MyMod = {} print('Setting up...'); MyMod.module1 = require 'MyMod/Module1.lua'; print('Loaded module: '..MyMod.module1.foo()); --File: media/lua/server/MyMod/Module1.lua local M = {} function M.foo() return 'I\'m Module1!'; end return M; When I load the mod I get an exception telling me MyMod.module1 is null, when I expect to get my returned Module1 table, or an exception that it could not find the file. --Output: Loading: ../media/lua/server/MyMod/MyMod.lua Setting up... ----------------------------------------- attempted index: foo of non-table: null ----------------------------------------- So, if you bare with me I have three related questions: 1. Does PZ stop me from using require to load other lua files? why? (or am I doing it wrong?) 2. Why does PZ load every .lua file in my mod. I normally expect a single point of entry, such as loading the file "MyMod/MyMod.lua" which would then allow me to decide what modules the mod loads. Is there a reason it doesn't have a single point of entry and how should I be using this to my advantage? 3. Other mods declare their modules using their mod name as a prefix to avoid possible conflicts; I was hoping I could avoid pollution of the global scope and just have everything under one roof, i.e inside MyMod, instead of MyMod;MyModModule1;MyModModule2;etc. Is there any way to do this? Thanks for reading, Any questions/clarifications please ask! Logan. Update: I'm guessing my issue with require() has something to do with the differences between Kahlua2 and Lua 5.1? (only because my example works fine using Lua 5.1)
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