Hi there! I am HUGELY in love with this game, it's pretty much everything I've ever wanted in a Zombie game. Now, I also HUGELY love the movie "I Am Legend". And my one sole wish is for a game in this world to be literally that movie in game-form. Now, I know there's a mod called Insomnia which adds a few "I Am Legend"-ish traits, but there's a few issues with it. Firstly, the zombies are still there during the day. Yes, they're basically blind, but in the movie they're completely clear of the streets, and Robert Neville can run and even drive on the roads freely without worry. Secondly, the mod removes your need to sleep. That's another big drawback for me. Basically, what I'm thinking about IS the Insomnia mod, but with a few changes: Zombies are completely gone during the day, but plentiful at night.If possible, have zombies hide out in houses during the day. In that case, they should retain the traits of being basically blind, so that you can sneak around them.You still need to sleep.Now, I have no idea how to mod this game. If I did, I'd do it myself. So I of course don't have any idea what limitations this game has for modding. I figure having the zombies hide out in houses during the day in order to clear the streets would probably require modding the AI, but like I said, I have no clue. But I'm asking anyway - is it possible?