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  1. Spiffo
    SoilFox reacted to darknano in FRONTIER | Public role-play | Newcomers welcome! | Hydrocraft | Classes | Balanced PVP! (16 slot)   
    By the creators of Project Morbus 2017.
    PORT: 56361

    From the creators of Project Morbus Role-play 2017, we welcome you to the Frontier! Frontier is a role-play based off a living, breathing world which players can experience in its full glory. Experience factions fighting over their own separate ideologies, hordes of infected coming for you, and a balanced class system which provides a sense of teamwork and creativity to those joining.
    Not only that, but Frontier is completely application-free. Anyone can join at any time, from anywhere! Frontier's goal is to open the ideas of role-play to those interested, and allow them to grow and prosper their creativity in ways never before thought possible. 

    Frontier introduces a new, rudimentary system based off classes! There is zero skill progression, and players are forced to work together using a series of 22 specialized classes to improve their settlements and help one another survive! Each class provides specific strength and fitness boosts, separate and unique kits, as well as known skill sets, such as high-level Carpentry skill for the Carpentry class.
    Every class has been compared and balanced accordingly to one another, so no class is more powerful than the other. This allows for different specializations depending on your character, and requires team work in order to survive completely.

    Frontier, utilizing its aforementioned class system, includes a balanced PvP to Project Zomboid. Honing in on the skills for firearms, we've found a suitable balance which draws a clear line between accurate and inaccurate. This means that players will have to be much more tactical with their movements and decisions when it comes to fighting another player! Furthermore, it adds onto the teamwork availability. More people means better odds!

    Events in Frontier will never punish the player for participating. Players who participate in events will almost always gain, and never lose anything. The event organizers of Frontier will make sure that players will always be entertained, and gain from spending time to participate. Alongside those attributes, Frontier Events are always filled with story and lore. Every character has a backstory, and can be delved into via journals, caches, and left-behind items. Some events may even include characters, such as roaming caravans, with the absolute option to raid them if one so pleases.

    Frontier presents to you a completely original back story, introducing incredible elements such as caravans, factions with individual struggles, and a believable turn of events. Players can discover this lore by wandering the wastelands, finding journals and people along the way to show them the story of the lands. Every area has new things to discover, with remnants of unique people who used to roam there so long ago.
    Frontier takes place five years after the Event, in which a venerable, yet mysterious disease rendered civilization crippled after just four weeks. With little supplies, you are a survivor on the Frontier, a massive unexplored section of the central United States.

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