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Posts posted by H_Bomb

  1. I say keep those fuckers out, they always acted retarded, and went shotgun crazy and kept luring hyperhoards of like a Hundred K Zombies, when the zombies left, the survivors returned, and brought their shotgun and retardation with them, SURVIVORS ARE WHAT GET YOU KILLED. Dayz logic works here.

  2. But this has been gone over so many times. There will never be a cure or a vaccination it goes against the entire fabric of what the game stands for. Unfortunately you seem to be hooked on the idea of "how I want PZ to be" rather than how the developers and the community want it to be. The viewpoints are so disparate, it just isn't going to happen outside of a mod. It's not that I don't think your ideas are clever or that they wouldn't make a fun game, they just wouldn't make Project Zomboid.

    Speaking of mods, 


    It seems strange, are they starting new? If so that's bullshit.

  3. It will have a story though. It's just not a linear one. Even games like "Mass Effect" are linear in the sense that you follow a predetermined plot.


    With each playthrough of PZ (especially once the NPC's are in) you're going to have a completely unique story that no one else has ever had or will ever had. With the way the NPC's will work, you may have a group of friends with drama, romance, and tension. You will have a 'middle game' where yes, things are hard, but perhaps you're having a good run of things. You've found good friends and you're in as good a place as you can be. But beneath it all the zombies are there, they are the conflict. I don't know why you would say zombies shouldn't be the main conflict in a zombie game. There will be tension with other survivors and possibly the military, but the game is about zombies. That's like saying the conflict in Day of the Dead shouldn't have been zombies. The story will inevitably also have an end. Whether you die alone, bleeding out in the streets or you have a brutal last stand with your closest friends, each ending will be completely unique and utterly special. This game isn't meant to be a game where you are a hero. There is no delaying the infection. The joy of the game, the amazement, is meant to be at the small town small time accomplishments of a survivor no one will ever hear of.

    Hmm, interesting, Maybe the military are the ending, maybe they become your enemy because they won't let survivors leave the quarantine and are shooting those who try to climb the wall, so you battle the military and escape, and the end could be, you fucked up, you accidentally brought kate, who was a carrier, and she gives you it and all your group it, and the total apocalypse ensues, and the end of all the world begins, nuclear bombing are attempted to stop it, but it's too late, you could have blown the fuck out of the town and Made sure this never got out, killing all the military, and ruining families of those soldiers. I don't think this game should be all depressing, hell you could make a cure, not for the zombies, but a vaccine and a cure, if you get bit, you don't die of the zombie virus, you could die of just being bit by a human, since a live human has a filthy mouth, a dead one would give you gangrene and shit. But this was ill- made because the army carpet-bombs the town with napalm as a last- ditch effort. 

    There should be hope, but it does not mean zombies cannot kill you,

  4. It should also be mentioned that the devs have come out and specifically said there will be no ending especially not one where the outbreak is solved or ended in any way. I personally think it's silly to end the outbreak anyways- goes against the entire point of the game. But debate over it is pointless since the devs have already said it's not going to happen. So, could be a fun mod but it's not going to happen in the main game no matter how much you try to argue about it =P


    As was said above, the game is about being 'everyman,' a completely normal person. If you want a game where you save the world then this just isn't the game for you- there are already a million games out there on the market that do that. The entire point of PZ is to be something new, a world where there is no hope, there is no winning, there's just surviving as long as you can.


    The majority of the "story" in this game will either be completely spontaneously occurring events like "The Walking Dead" type plot (driven by the AI and the sadist movie director) or whatever we make of it in multiplayer.

    The game must end or it will get boring and people will leave it. and the nuke does not stop the outbreak, it just- Delays it. there will be another patient 0  a.k.a Patient X, Patient x will be infected the same way as patient 0 since patient 0 died before they learnt the cause of the outbreak. If it was a "Story" It would have a plot, a conflict (Not the zombies) and a resolution. the resolution: Death.

  5. I'm sorry I don't think I quite understand what you're trying to say here. At least, I hope I'm misunderstanding. Can you post it again in a sentence that makes sense =\

    Okay, as we all now, This map is a DOWNgrade from the previous, it's too open, retarded roads. houses without directions, A zombie hoard at every turn on the LOWEST SETTINGS, Buildings spaced too far out, so many texture fails, retarded building layouts, and the fact that there should only be as much zombies as there were people before the outbreak, 50 beds= 50 zomibes, everyone had to have once been a survivor, GLITCHY AS FUCK zombies that don't give a fuck about walls, The fact that you always spawn nearby a shitton of zombies, have no weapons, WE CAN'T EVEN AIM FOR THE HEAD, We should be able to (and this is a overhaul) Go into first person mode and fight them face to face and instead of beating them until you break their back, Pound their face in. Stealth is broken, Zombies Have to be retarded to not be uber predators, the mysterious LACK OF CARS ANYWHERE! NOT EVEN CRASHED ONES!


    And the fact you don't piss or shit ever, doing this could be a factor in the game, like if you pooped in the resevoir, or dumped zombie bodies in it, it would give you cholera and/or the zombie virus.

    Do they even test what they make before plopping out a giant flop of an update with MORE BUGS THAN BEFORE.


    That subject stands infront of the hospital about to enter and suddenly shotgun joe comes in, says LOL NO  :D and fires a buckshot round into zeros head. And there you go, an isometric sims game powered by java  :D!


    Well then you get arrested for being a murderer and cop's wont believe you if you explained, and boom death penalty.

  6. This was heavily denounced on the old forums. The amount of work that would go into it would be senseless for not all that much benefit. So yes, a good mod, but very likely never in the actual game.


    Edit: Slightly embarrassed to say this, but enjoyed the dubstep lol.

    Look, this only explains why your character starts surrounded by zombie hoards everywhere in a terribly designed map.

  7. Now Gimme A beat... 

    I play Dubstep for atmosphere and to not bore you.

    In sandbox mode, have you ever wondered what your character was doing to survive the outbreak before you took control? With this option, you play 1 day before the outbreak first starts, and once you begin, patient zero gets infected and taken to a hospital in downtown, he zombifies, bites a doctor, who both bite nurses and patients and visitors and then the end ensues,
    This should be an option on sandbox, allowing you to see how people would react, and how the military reacts walling off the city.

    This would give us a chance to get a head start, but the thing is, patient zero is never infected at the same time on any save, on one save he could be infected the second you spawn, or get infected a few hours after...
    This would add variability. :geek:

    It could be different if you have like super-zombies that instantly infect, or you could recreate the walking dead.

  8. But the thing is - The rest of the world has already fallen to the outbreak. That's why you can't run out of zombies, since they're flooding in from everywhere around you.

    And also you would eventually kill ALL of them, there are only 7 billion humans on the planet, and only 2-1 billion or less on the americas (Depending if the panama canal is fortified)

  9. Oh, you think there'll be a story mode. No, I don't think they're adding that. They're only adding other survivors for small, dynamic mini-stories all gathered into your character's story of surviving and kicking the apocalypse in the teeth as much as possible before it gets you. There won't be a dominant "story mode" to my knowledge. Just survival.

     You keep thinking i want this game linear, NO. I would like if it was like fallout 3, you have to make choices, and you have to go through wiith it. You pick how you go, in blazing glory, in terrifying horror, or in terrible evil. Or just pussy out and after 5 years a zombie superswarm Busts down a hole in the wall, you failed saving earth, but now you can explore the whole state or country and see what you have done,

  10. These ending's are not so much plot endings, but voluntary choices, You don't win by detonating the nuke, you win because you put others before yourself, You lose if you blow down the wall just for greed of having the whole world in your hands, You Fail if you activate the sirens and bring all the  zombies to you.

    If it is a story mode, maybe there is another version of the nuke, where you have a choice, one of you is going to detonate that bomb, baldspot or kate, both knowing doing so would kill the other, and they have to make a decision, them, or the world. And it would be kind of cool if Doing the evil ending is what makes it possible for other maps, because baldspot Became the most infamous human ever and singlehandedly ended the world. then zombies would go global and boom multiple maps.

    The cure... Is death. You can go out like a coward and shoot yourself, go out like a hero and save the world, or lonely cry as 40000 zombies surround you and begin to tear you apart. Or go out as an evil person in the c4 blast at the wall. I mean if it is story mode the story must end, 

  11. Every game needs an end, story mode should have these, sandbox, not so much.
    There should be custom music, i hate the current, we should be able to put our dubstep in it to Feel bad ass while slaying corpses.

  12. this is a good idea however the devs did state that they don't want the game to have an ending... the point of this game is to see how long you survive and record your adventures with your friends, not beat the game. good idea though

    I said these are optional, besides you would die of old age if you lived too long anyway so...

    The ending must be done in a certain way in order to activate them, you have to voluntarily do any of this or it will never occur.

    I was thinking like the mine craft ending, you don't HAVE to do it.

  13. Listen to this for a good beat while reading: 


    Possible ending: Evil: Breach the quarantine, and release the zombie outbreak upon the world and make muldraugh limited, with guarded walls that shoot anything, man or Corpse, If you can kill the guards and blow down the wall, (With C4 found in a military base, It will make the world map 50 times bigger, so big you would die of starvation or pass out before you reached the edge, This will make you the most evil Human in all history.

    Possible ending Two: Good: Transport the active 5 megaton nuclear warhead on it's truck to the center of muldraugh, And detonate it, It will kill you and all the zombies, you die a hero and have saved the world, It simply says " Thank you for your sacrifice." And you see a cutscene of the army then clearing all of the charred zombies.


    Possible ending Three: Neutral: Survive until the army clears out the zombies, they think you are a zombie, or believe you a carrier, and shoot you in the brain stem.You died a nobody, This only happens if  you activate the sirens at the military base and lure all the zombies in the city to you.

    What do you think?

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