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ApCom [sP/MP]

Apocalypse Communications




code: TurboTuTone, artwork: Nasko



  • HAM Radio and 12 Walkie talkies with different properties.
  • Wear a walkie talkie in secondary slot to use it normally, place it down to lure zombies or spy on people.
  • Small HUD element that displays your walkie talkie's status.
  • 12 Frequencies to tune in on.
  • A taperecorder and 5 different styled cassettes.
  • Record speech on cassettes.
  • Broadcast cassettes repeatedly via a HAM Radio.
  • Power usage, devices need a battery to operate and drain power hourly.
  • Interference due to bad weather, or when a device is bordering its maximum range.
  • Players chatcolors are copied by all of the mods devices to dinstinguish "voices".
  • Depending on type, the devices will attract zombies in certain radius.


Look at the information section at the bottom of this post for more detailed info and usage,

it also showcases some of the awesome artwork Nasko made!

Make sure to send him some love when he posts in this thread :D




Thanks to:

Twiggy for testing, suggestions, support, streaming, awesomeness :D

Viceroy, for a bunch of cool suggestions made during one of our apparantly more serious convo's (tophat)

LogiHack, a fellow country man who helped out testing!

EnigmaGrey, testing and correcting my grammar error's :P
dko112, gameplay convenience suggestions


A special thanks to:

Both EasyP and RJ, various functionallity of the mod would not have been possible without help from your side, thanks guys! its awesome and very much appreciated :)


[incase i forgot to mention someone, gimme a poke!]


Thanks twiggy and subscribers for testing the mod with a bunch of people!

A save of the stream can be found here:
Project Zomboid | Subscriber Stream w/ ApCom (Radios) | Indie Hype*~!

Twiggy @ twitch.tv

Twiggy's twitter




Requires build 27 and a fresh world for the items to spawn in containers.
On a server to get best out of it set 'GlobalChat' to false serveroptions.ini.
Also works in single player but chat is limited to the lines produced by pressing 'q'.


Eventhough it has been tested, it's version 1.0 so there may be unforseen consequences.


Apcom version 1.0


Up to date version can be downloaded here. (last update 13 june 2015)
Credit goes to Dr_Cox1911, who has tracked and fixed the incompatibility issues with new PZ versions!

Also, a shoutout to ThatUser and Siriusx72 who posted a different approach for a fix in the thread, much appreciated!



previous versions:




Public servers running ApCom mod:




HAM Radios


This device can only be used when placed in the world, it can broadcast all over the map and thus is ideal for base to base communications. The ham radio has the ability to play cassettes as repeated broadcasts on a frequency, so they could be used to gather people or advertise a merchant outpost as well. (see tape recorder section for more info)




A ham radio can be picked up and it will return the radio + optionally the battery or cassette inside the device.

Whacking a ham radio with a weapon is not advised as it will destroy the radio and all in it.


When receiving transmissions this device shows a animation.


This device will attract zombies in a wide range, so secure your base perimeters, zombies will locate the sound coming from the machine but the cold steel confuses them so they wont destroy it ;)




Walker Talkers


Worn in secondary item slot, the device can then be toggled on and frequencies be set. When the device is worn it will display a small UI element that displays the item icon and device info. When the battery power is low the item will start blinking a led to indicate this.

When wearing a walker talker it will display up to 5 lines above your normal local chat area, as shown by "Another line".




Walker talkers can also be placed down and picked up again to serve tactical purposes. When doing so, unlike the ham radio, this device will keep its battery, however make sure to turn it on each time you place it down.

Lower tier walker talkers when placed in world are great for luring zombies due to their zombie attraction rate and low value. The higher tier devices when placed in world are great for spying, since their sound values make them hard to detect, especially the tactical army version which doesn’t display any text placed down, detects voice in 25 tile radius. The tradeoff is that these devices are very rare thus their discovery could be considered a big loss.

Note that when a device is unequipped or picked up it is turned off.




Walker Talker GUI


When equiping a fresh found walker talker as secondary, a GUI like this will show up in left side of screen.



Insert a battery and it will display battery status:



When equiped as secondary, you can rightclick the inventory icon and turn the device on.

When doing so, the sprite will show a green led, and more advanced models will light on their display, the frequency text will also be brighter when turned on:



When the device recieves text it will also indicate it in the hud:


The hud will display different stages of battery life as such:


Finally when the battery is about to die, the item icon will start blinking a red led:





About chat behaviour


The mod follows a pair of rules to prevent spam and local duplication of text, they are:


  • Firstly, when you are near multiple placed down devices and/or worn device, then for each frequency the system will pick the highest range device's values for broadcasting to prevent x times the same line popping up on the other end.
  • Secondly, to prevent local duplication, the placed down devices will not display text coming from a source within a 5 tile radius. The devices that are worn do the same but for a 12 tile radius.

Note: be aware that eventhough devices do not display the text cause of this rule, they will still attract zombies!






Interference will occur during bad weather, when its thundering the interference will be really bad. When interference is applied it will replace words or even multiple words at once with scrambled text.

Interference will also occur at the last 10% of a device's range, the interference will become worse as you reach the limits of its range untill nothing is received anymore.






Power consumption

Done per hour for all devices that are turned on. Note that when you place a device in world and turn it on it will keep draining power even when that part of the world unloads.








These cool oldskool cassette tapes can be found all over the place, when rightclicking a cassette in your inventory it will display its ID and for convience the lines that are recorded on it. This menu has no functionallity, but the ID will come in handy.




Tape Recorder



Tape recorder needs a battery for power and a cassette to record. When having multiple tapes of the same type use the ID (see Cassette section) to indentify the correct one.




When both are inserted wear the item as secondary, this will give another option in right click menu "record a line", click it and wait for the timed action bar to finish.




The next line your character says will be recorded on the cassette.
Cassettes can record a maximum of 5 lines.

Also note that the players chatcolor is recorded on a tape as well, this is done per recorded line.



After recording eject the cassette from the tape recorder. You can now add the cassette to a HAM Radio.




When the radio has a cassette and is turned on you can start broadcasting the cassette on the frequency set for the device.
Currently every 2 in game hours one line of the cassette is played.






Device tiers and properties:


The item properties below can be read as follows:

  • - broadcast range is for outgoing signal only, to be clear a budget walker talker can only emit 500m but still receive chat from for example a ham radio which has global range.
  • - voice detect range, the amount of tiles a player has to be near the device for it to pick up speech.
  • - can hear range, the amount of tiles a player has to be near device to see "hear" its text.
  • - loot chance, obvious.
  • - zombie attraction, the displayed value for played devices, walker talkers have reduced attraction when worn as secondary item. Also note this value doesn’t always coincide with can hear range.
  • - battery consumption, rate at which a device will consume power on hourly basis.


HAM Radio:


broadcastrange: GLOBAL
voice detect range: 5
can hear range: 16
weight: 15
loot chance: very rare
zombie attraction: extremely high
battery consumption: extremely low

Tier1: Walker Talker Budget



broadcastrange: 500m
voice detect range: 6
can hear range: 12
weight: 0.5
loot chance: high
zombie attraction: high
battery consumption: very high

broadcastrange: 1000m
voice detect range: 8
can hear range: 10
weight: 0.5
loot chance: high
zombie attraction: high
battery consumption: very high

broadcastrange: 1500m
voice detect range: 10
can hear range: 9
weight: 1.0
loot chance: normal
zombie attraction: high
battery consumption: very high


Tier 2: Walker Talker Standard



broadcastrange: 2000m
voice detect range: 12
can hear range: 8
weight: 1.5
loot chance: medium
zombie attraction: medium
battery consumption: medium

broadcastrange: 2500m
voice detect range: 14
can hear range: 5
weight: 2.0
loot chance: medium
zombie attraction: medium
battery consumption: medium


Tier 3: Walker Talker Black Edition



broadcastrange: 3000m
voice detect range: 16
can hear range: 3
weight: 2.25
loot chance: low
zombie attraction: low
battery consumption: low

broadcastrange: 3500m
voice detect range: 18
can hear range: 2
weight: 2.5
loot chance: low
zombie attraction: low
battery consumption: low


Tier 4: Walker Talker Tactical



broadcastrange: 4500m
voice detect range: 20
can hear range: 1
weight: 2.75
loot chance: rare
zombie attraction: very low
battery consumption: very low

broadcastrange: GLOBAL
voice detect range: 25
can hear range: 0
weight: 3.0
loot chance: very rare
zombie attraction: ZERO
battery consumption: very low


Radio hype yay! Now I can terrify the people by broadcasting 'War of the worlds' to them all!


Oh wait, zombies already took over, still I reckon Mars did it!


This is simply amazing. The mod looks incredible and the artwork is just awesome. Also, a Twiggy stream? My cup runneth over :) Thank you so much!


Oke download is up, sorry for the long wait wanted to make sure the crash during the stream wasnt related to mod, seems to have been server hardware.


Would love to hear feedback on how its working out for people.


(Also, currently zooming offsets device text wrongly, this doesnt hurt just looks weird, will see about uploading a fix for that soon :P )


Hey guys, it says i require turbo-luanet to run the mod and i cant find it anywhere?

I am also having that problem, i did find turbo lua on google and DLed it but i dont know where to put it.

java.net.BindException: Address already in use        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method)        at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.bind(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:376)        at java.net.ServerSocket.bind(ServerSocket.java:376)        at java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(ServerSocket.java:237)        at java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(ServerSocket.java:128)        at zombie.network.PlayerDownloadServer$1.run(PlayerDownloadServer.java:349)Exception in thread "Thread-92" java.lang.NullPointerException        at zombie.network.PlayerDownloadServer$1.run(PlayerDownloadServer.java:373)

Mod seems to work, walker talkers spawn - gui appears if equipped secondary,

but after a while the server wont load more lots and doesn't accept any new connections (above error) while trying to download map


and a client log what happened last time:

Test    admin   0.48627451062202454     0.5333333611488342      0.8156862854957581      13286.501953125 10970.501953125 4       0java.net.SocketException: socket closed        at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:150)        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:121)        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:203)        at zombie.network.GameFileClient.DoFileTransferZip(GameFileClient.java:497)        at zombie.network.GameFileClient.access$000(GameFileClient.java:22)        at zombie.network.GameFileClient$1.run(GameFileClient.java:233)Jun 14, 2014 4:15:59 PM zombie.gameStates.IngameState updateSEVERE: nulljava.lang.NullPointerException        at zombie.characters.IsoPlayer.doContext(IsoPlayer.java:3647)        at zombie.characters.IsoPlayer.doContext(IsoPlayer.java:3592)        at zombie.characters.IsoPlayer.update(IsoPlayer.java:1693)        at zombie.iso.IsoCell.ProcessObjects(IsoCell.java:1162)        at zombie.iso.IsoCell.update(IsoCell.java:5011)        at zombie.iso.IsoWorld.update(IsoWorld.java:2091)        at zombie.gameStates.IngameState.update(IngameState.java:1089)        at zombie.gameStates.GameStateMachine.update(GameStateMachine.java:101)        at zombie.GameWindow.logic(GameWindow.java:641)        at zombie.GameWindow.run(GameWindow.java:1156)        at zombie.GameWindow.maina(GameWindow.java:983)        at zombie.gameStates.MainScreenState.main(MainScreenState.java:147)        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)        at com.exe4j.runtime.LauncherEngine.launch(Unknown Source)        at com.exe4j.runtime.WinLauncher.main(Unknown Source)

About TapeRecorder,

do we need to press "record line" once for every line we want to record? After we recorded 5 Lines, would the next recorded line overwrite the first line?


and again, seems to be randomly or when i walk out of range from a dropped walkietalkie (which seems to NOT attract zombies)

java.net.SocketException: socket closed        at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:150)        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:121)        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:203)        at zombie.network.GameFileClient.DoFileTransferZip(GameFileClient.java:497)        at zombie.network.GameFileClient.access$000(GameFileClient.java:22)        at zombie.network.GameFileClient$1.run(GameFileClient.java:233)

About TapeRecorder,

do we need to press "record line" once for every line we want to record? After we recorded 5 Lines, would the next recorded line overwrite the first line?

Yes, you'd need to press record line for every line. If correct the "record line" menu option only appears when you have free lines on the tape, to prevent accidentally overwriting lines. You can however erase the tape to blanc again provided taperecorder has enough power for that (takes the same amount of power as recording 5 lines at once).


and again, seems to be randomly or when i walk out of range from a dropped walkietalkie (which seems to NOT attract zombies)

The error seems same as above, as for the walkie talkie not attracting zombies... did you drop it as in just dragging the item on the ground, or did you actually place it on ground via the rightclick menu? the latter would be required for the device to work on ground, if that was the case, you sure the device was on? and lastly what type of walkie talkie are we talking here? some of them are really bad at luring zombies :P


Now for the errors of the first part of your post, at first glance doesnt seem the mod is erroring, but might be something indirect. I'll send you a pm, perhaps we can try to pin point whats going on and post the results back here.


I wish there was. It's like everyone is afraid of mods on their servers even though there is an lua check that forces one to have the same lua files.


I wish there was. It's like everyone is afraid of mods on their servers even though there is an lua check that forces one to have the same lua files.

The biggest reason why people don't use them is due to everyone needing to install them and do so correctly. This can bring lots of headaches for server hosts and admins. Though for private servers its much more simple due to less randoms jumping in 24/7. I don't think i have seen any public servers with any other mod than bedford falls map.


This mod looks brilliant! I cant wait to try it out in MP.


This deserves to become a part of the vanilla game, period. Or at least parts of it, period. 


PS: tu gères Turbo ;)

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