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Hello everyone, with the build 27 the trapping is out ! So let me explain it quickly (post will be updated, but we're in a rush right there ;))


PLEASE NOTE : Timed action aren't done yet, so every action relative to trap will be instant, this will be fixed soon, thanks.

The trap system haven't really be tested during internal test phase, so expect bugs (sorry !)




First, you need a trap, you can find Mouse trap in house or build one, with nails, plank, a saw.. Some advanced trap will require a better trapping and/or woodwork experience.




Once you have it, just right click somewhere in the world and select "place trap ->" then select the trap, drag the trap where you want and click to place it.

Place it smartly though, you have more chance to catch a rat/mouse in town zone/trailer park, or rabbit in vegitation/forest, etc.


Then you'll need a bait, any food can be used as bait, I setup a list of bait commonly used by animals, each bait is different and will work more or less well for each animal (SPOILER : carrots for rabbits :D)


Animal won't be attracted by rotten food, so be sure your bait is still fresh !


Don't put your trap in a heavy zombie infested zone too, animals avoid them.


And that's it ! Well, now you need to often check your trap to be sure someone didn't stole your bait, that your bait is still fresh, or your trap isn't broken, or just that you got something !


Please note that the animals aren't wandering in the world, they will just be catched dead :)




You have several animals, from rabbit to mouse, including birds...

All come in different size, all trap are more or less effective for each animal (you won't catch a bird with a snare trap for example).

When you see that your trap is close, right click on it and select "check trap", it'll give you the dead animal, you can then cut it with a knife and cook it (or use in several recipes)


How many new animals are there exactly?


Also this could be a new source of food(not the trapping, but the baits) for other people. Someone sets up a trap every once a while and you just come by and steal the food and eat it for yourself. :D


How many new animals are there exactly?


Also this could be a new source of food(not the trapping, but the baits) for other people. Someone sets up a trap every once a while and you just come by and steal the food and eat it for yourself. :D


Updated the thread to asnwer your question ;)


Please note that the animals aren't wandering in the world, they will just be catched dead :)


Will this change in the future? In one of the Mondoids there was a 'sneak peek' of a 3d rabbit model. It would be nice to see animals actually roam the world and run away from you. This could, perhaps, introduce a nice new traits like "Animal Friend" which would make animals ignore your presence (would be easier to shoot them), and "Doesn't like animals" which would cause the radius at which animals escape from you to be bigger.



Please note that the animals aren't wandering in the world, they will just be catched dead :)


Will this change in the future? In one of the Mondoids there was a 'sneak peek' of a 3d rabbit model. It would be nice to see animals actually roam the world and run away from you. This could, perhaps, introduce a nice new traits like "Animal Friend" which would make animals ignore your presence (would be easier to shoot them), and "Doesn't like animals" which would cause the radius at which animals escape from you to be bigger.



This will change some day and we'll call it "Hunting" :D


I love it!  It's funny how actually carrots are bad for rabbits teeth and are not considered as a good rabbit food in real life.


But this is a game, who knows how powerful teeth the zawmbyrabbits have.



 This could, perhaps, introduce a nice new traits like "Animal Friend" which would make animals ignore your presence (would be easier to shoot them)





Haha, indeed, but you know what I mean :) It's good that hunting is going to be introduced sooner or later!


Well, I just made research on google, and everyone say that carrots works well as Rabbit bait.. DAMN YOU GOOGLE ! (we'll, there's not only carrots, also corn, apple and stuff)

Well... It's not like that rabbit is gonna be needing its teeth much longer anyway.


Is it possible to use these traps also against zombies or is there some plan for this in the future? Some sort of defense perimeter when placed near doors, windows etc... to catch zombies.


That's an entirely different bit of trapping. These are hunting traps and they're just for catching tasty meats to feed your survivor.


You're thinking of defensive traps, and I have no idea when that will be implemented.


Going back to what Intense said about being able to use traps on zombies. So far I've only found mousetraps and don't seem to have an option to build traps yet (I've got planks, nails and saws coming out the wazoo too?)

If wire/snare traps became craftable could these be used to trap a zombie in specific areas? Then couldn't this angry zombie be used as a lure for other zombies?

For example, you've cleared out the caravan park in Muldragh so no need to return there. By trapping a zombie (or several) the noise created by these trapped zombies would act like an alarm, luring nearby zombies to an area of the map you've no need for.

Over time the trap could break/the zombie could break free but in the meantime it can create some "safe" areas to search in.

Not played much Zomboid over the past year so absolutely LOVING all the additions. It's filling out nicely.

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