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Option to sit.


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This might seem a bit silly, but I kind of want the option to sit in chairs and maybe even on beds at some later point in development. More interactions with objects in general if possible really, but this came to mind as I was standing in my cabin in the woods with a chair pointing to the window, I thought to myself 'wouldn't it be cool if I could just sit there and watch for zeds coming from that direction'. Anyways, what does everyone think? Feel free to add to it if you'd like, maybe give it a bit more purpose than I could.

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It was confirmed many moons ago as one of those things they'd like to include with the expanded animation set, but they've been having some issues with 3D compatibility the past little while. We'll have to just wait and see how large its scope is. :D

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From 0.1.5d on, I thought it'd be fun to sit. Now, with multiplayer out for some time, and after watching the April 28 2014 Mondoid at the time... the screenshots of the hunting lodge and cinema stuck with me and left me sitting, waiting, wishing, for that one thing. 


I'm thinking of a simple sitting animation and a static sitting model for on chairs and couches. Snapping the player back up on their feet will definitely suffice when a movement command is issued, and 10 players sitting on the same chair is no problem whatsoever.


As you've noticed, I've been sitting on this for quite a while and it's the sole thing that will realismwise complete this game for me, and also make multiplayer (role playing!) the most enjoyable it can be.


Yet, I will not expect or ask for anything, as you have been too generous already.


For a second though, think about how integrated the concept of sitting is in human life. Now... sit back and close this tab.

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