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[42.2.0] Farming: translation month names are wrong & some veggis have bad month and seed months simultaneously

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Posted (edited)

1) The vegetable configs for Leek, Lemongrass and Rosemary have seeding months (sowMonth), that are also bad months (badMonth) at the same time - I assume this to be a bug, because the logic for those two conditions contradict each other.

2) The Translation strings are wrong in the tooltip with 1=Feb..12=Jan after the code was updated to have the veggi config contain gregorian months and check them against


it should also reflect 1=Jan to 12=Dec in the translation (only really affects tooltips)

Edited by Tiax

There is no overlap in the crop definitions, what makes you think they overlap?

badMonth = { 12, 1, 2, 10, 11 },
sowMonth = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,  },

Lemon Grass:
badMonth = { 12, 1, 2, 10, 11 },
sowMonth = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,  },

badMonth = { 12, 1, 2, 10, 11 },
sowMonth = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,  },

Posted (edited)
On 2/5/2025 at 12:02 AM, ScrivenerSpills said:

not necessarily, it means you CAN sow them that month, but they wont grow the best, i believe. 

You can always sow crops. But in non-sow months they'll have lower health and are cursed. Bad months actively curse and deplete health, so that combination makes no sense.


On 2/5/2025 at 9:27 AM, Hugo Qwerty said:

There is no overlap in the crop definitions, what makes you think they overlap?

February (2) is in both tables? It's probably left over from when they fixed the missing +1 on getMonth()

Edited by Tiax
32 minutes ago, Tiax said:

February (2) is in both tables? It's probably left over from when they fixed the missing +1 on getMonth()


Oops, not sure how I missed that!    2 is actually March, btw.

    Farming_Month_1 = "February",
    Farming_Month_2 = "March",
    Farming_Month_3 = "April",
    Farming_Month_4 = "May",
    Farming_Month_5 = "June",
    Farming_Month_6 = "July",
    Farming_Month_7 = "August",
    Farming_Month_8 = "September",
    Farming_Month_9 = "October",
    Farming_Month_10 = "November",
    Farming_Month_11 = "December",
    Farming_Month_12 = "January",



Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Hugo Qwerty said:


Oops, not sure how I missed that!    2 is actually March, btw.

    Farming_Month_1 = "February",
    Farming_Month_2 = "March",
    Farming_Month_3 = "April",
    Farming_Month_4 = "May",
    Farming_Month_5 = "June",
    Farming_Month_6 = "July",
    Farming_Month_7 = "August",
    Farming_Month_8 = "September",
    Farming_Month_9 = "October",
    Farming_Month_10 = "November",
    Farming_Month_11 = "December",
    Farming_Month_12 = "January",



I'm at work, so can't check rn but it should be config value = actual Gregorian month, after that first patch to farming. It adds +1 to it somewhere in the lua functions.


Edit: so it does check 

getGameTime():getMonth()+1 == prop.badMonth[i]

"prop" being the veggi config and getMonth() returning 0=Jan .. 11=Dec (screenshots attached) so the logic is correct, just the translation files are also wrong lol



Edited by Tiax
  • Tiax changed the title to [42.2.0] Farming: seed month and bad months at same time

oh, hmm, thats weird.  i guess i misunderstood, from what I saw from reading the in game info and from the charts people put up, plants only grow during the months listed on the packet, (sow months) but grow WORSE during the sow months listed as bad months, and are cursed every month that isnt a sow month. I guess I misunderstood something?


From media\lua\server\Farming\SFarmingSystem.lua:

  • Every three 3 hours (SFarmingSystem.lua:129) it calls changeHealth()
  • changeHealth, among other things, curses plants in bad months (that are not resistant, i.e. based on reaching some growth stage and being resistant naturally):
  • if seasons and luaObject.exterior and  luaObject:isBadMonth() and not luaObject:isBadMonthHardy() then
    	luaObject.cursed = true
  • It stops any health regen from sunny weather:
                -- change with weather
                local weather = getWorld():getWeather()
                if "sunny" == weather then -- if it's sunny
                    if luaObject.exterior then
                        if not luaObject:isBadMonth() then
                            luaObject.health = luaObject.health + (1 /badMultiplier)
                        if houseplant or greenhouse or not noInside then
                            luaObject.health = luaObject.health + (0.25 /badMultiplier)
  • and also actively starts killing it with at least -6hp/hour:
                -- bad seasons kill crops
                if seasons and luaObject.exterior and  luaObject:isBadMonth() and not luaObject:isBadMonthHardy() then
                    luaObject.health = luaObject.health - (  3  * badMultiplier )
  • Note that you will still get *some* HP regen from "good" water level (+0.2hp/hour), but that just slows it down, it will still die
  • Tiax changed the title to [42.2.0] Farming: translation month names are wrong & some veggis have bad month and seed months simultaneously
10 hours ago, Hugo Qwerty said:


Oops, not sure how I missed that!    2 is actually March, btw.

    Farming_Month_1 = "February",
    Farming_Month_2 = "March",
    Farming_Month_3 = "April",
    Farming_Month_4 = "May",
    Farming_Month_5 = "June",
    Farming_Month_6 = "July",
    Farming_Month_7 = "August",
    Farming_Month_8 = "September",
    Farming_Month_9 = "October",
    Farming_Month_10 = "November",
    Farming_Month_11 = "December",
    Farming_Month_12 = "January",



So I checked it and it turns out those are consequently wrong then and show wrong info in the tooltips (see above for details)


interesting.  knowing what stage makes bad month hardy would be useful. they would need to reach that stage in enough time that you could plant near the end of the last sow month, and it gets there before the first "bad" month, since from what you llsted, bad month and not sow month arent the same thing. 

And yeah, I can see bad months being in between sow months, there are certain plants that you can plant in spring or fall, and will live through and be harvestable in summer or winter, but you don't plant them in summer or winter. 


also be interested to know how compost and fertilizer effect things, do they speed up growth rate, or just final yeild?


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