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I haven't seen this and I even searched for it seeming that I couldn't be the only one who has thought of this so far. I think when you are using the shotgun that if a zombie is close to you, you should have to shove the zombie away before shooting. The sawed off and pistol can still be used to kill zombies in close combat, this seems realistic. I can't imagine having a zombie in my face and still be able to use the shotgun effectively.


On the same note, when you run out of ammo with a weapon, you should be able to shove zombies away. I had to reload my shotgun today, but needed to shove a zombie off of me first. By the time I figured I couldn't shove a zombie while having a shooting weapon equipped, it was too late and I was eaten. Not that I care that I died - I mean don't we all in the end - but I thought it was weird that this wasn't a feature with ranged weapons, but is already a feature with melee weapons.

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Re: shoving with ranged weapons- this is something I brought up with the devs directly once. There's tentative plans to change the combat controls a wee bit and maybe add some variation to them, and one of the things that should be possible with them is shoving with a ranged weapon in addition to shooting.

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If this is added, I think there should be a small, small, small, chance of it to fire, since the zombies finger, or clothes, could get caught on the trigger, or it could accidentally be triggered by your players mistake.


Well, you should really push with the butt of your firearm if holding a rifle-sized weapon, not any other way. Doing it this way there's very little chance of this actually happening, and in a general sense programming 'freak accidents' into games is typically bad game design. They're always over-repesentative and don't add much.

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