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The Lone Survivor - The Walker Series


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Chapter One - The First Day


I clambered out of my bed from my almost perfect sleep. Sirens echoed through my street and for the life of me I could not find the Alarm clock. Which started making sense when I realized there were no lights in my house... or in the street for that matter "Fuck." I murmured.


After pressing through my door blindly, lightly touching every object I could I made my way outside. The brisk cold Autumn morning left me shivering in my clothes at my front door. I peered my head around my house looking for signs of the noise, straining my eyes as I tried to make out distant shapes in the darkness. But then it happened. Left, right! I saw shadows scattering around the street among the dark as the sirens in the distance grew ever quieter. I took it as a warning, so I moved back towards my house, locking the doors and windows.


I wasn't really sure what was going on, but I knew it involved a riot, I could feel it. Those people outside were up to no good and I was not going to become a statistic. With my own will to avoid being a casualty, I went upstairs to my closet and got myself changed. I grabbed my golf club and squatted quietly in my room with the door locked.


The waiting was almost the worst part of this, but not nearly as bad as what would come. I expected burglars at the worst, but my fears were shattered as screaming raiders rushed through the bottom windows of my house. I could hear them slamming around into furniture and breaking things, it sounded like they were completely mad.


Ten minutes in and they finally stopped breaking the downstairs area, which was bad news for me as they finally got my location. I don't know if they could hear me moving in my room or if it was just my body odor, but whatever it was, it made them come up. The first two smashed into the bathroom, the others flying into the door of mine. They battered their fists angrily at the door, screaming incessantly as they did so.



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