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forageSystem.isValidSquare, missing return keyword.

Hugo Qwerty

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I saw this earlier when looking into spawning a forage item on a water square, but only when next to a land square.


function forageSystem.isValidSquare(_square, _itemDef, _catDef)
	if (not _square) then return false; end;
	if _square:Is(IsoFlagType.solid) then return false; end;
	if _square:Is(IsoFlagType.solidtrans) then return false; end;
	if (not _square:isNotBlocked(false)) then return false; end;
	if _itemDef.forceOutside and (not _square:Is(IsoFlagType.exterior)) then return false; end;
	if _itemDef.forceOnWater and not (_square:Is(IsoFlagType.water)) then return false; end;
	if _square:HasTree() and (not _itemDef.canBeOnTreeSquare) then return false; end;
	if _catDef.validFunc then
		_catDef.validFunc(_square, _itemDef, _catDef);  -- missing 'return'
		return forageSystem.isValidFloor(_square, _itemDef, _catDef);
	return false;



Copied from: \media\lua\shared\Foraging\forageSystem.lua, line 1248 onwards.

If the _catDef has a validFunc, it will be called - but the return value is ignored, so any square that gets to that point will drop down to the 'return false' at the end of the function.

This doesn't have any negative impact in vanilla, as no forage cat defs use the validFunc mechanic, but any mods that attempt to use this functionality won't work as intended.


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