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Project Zomboid wont open




Hey guys, when i start the game with steam it says its running but doesnt open. i've tried everything




and when i try to use the Alternate Launch (May work when default fails)






can u guys help me? 

14 answers to this question

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Can you share your console.txt file found in C:\\Zomboid? Since that should be the new location for the logs as set by the cachedir command.


That is unusual, can you first try running the game again using the Standard launch? This is because the Alternate launch that shows the console as seen in your screenshot does not use the parameters you applied.
After that, check the C drive again for the Zomboid folder, since it is possible you did not use the standard launch before applying the cachedir parameter.




Sorry for the delay, I was very frustrated with not being able to play. I tried running it like this and there is no folder other than the one I created. Do you have any idea what it could be?


Try changing the path from C:/Zomboid to the D: drive instead, then launch using the standard launch as you show in your screenshot, then check the D drive for the Zomboid folder.







From the first screenshots, you can see that the equals sign is missing and so the game is treating it as two  separate options, so it never gets applied. I'm not sure if you made the change to start options after those screenshots or before, since the = is present.


Otherwise everything should be in the following path, not Steam\Common




I pasted what you sent here, but even so, the game didn't run. I did it like this, is that right? 


but the only path I found on my computer about Zomboid was C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid. Do you have any ideas? 


ERROR: General     , 1718506258265>     at java.base/java.io.WinNTFileSystem.createFileExclusively(Native Method)
ERROR: General     , 1718506258265>     at java.base/java.io.File.createNewFile(Unknown Source)
ERROR: General     , 1718506258266>     at zombie.core.Core.saveOptions(Core.java:1578)
ERROR: General     , 1718506258267>     at zombie.core.Core.loadOptions(Core.java:1041)
ERROR: General     , 1718506258267>     at zombie.GameWindow.InitDisplay(GameWindow.java:355)
ERROR: General     , 1718506258268>     at zombie.core.opengl.RenderThread.renderLoop(RenderThread.java:128)
ERROR: General     , 1718506258268>     ... 1 more
LOG  : General     , 1718506258285> 1718506258284 fmod: FMOD::Studio::System::Initialize() result: No errors.
LOG  : General     , 1718506258285> 1718506258285 fmod: Creating DSP for capture sound
LOG  : General     , 1718506258285> 1718506258285 fmod: FMOD_System_CreateDSP() result: No errors.
LOG  : General     , 1718506258286> 1718506258286 fmod: FMOD_DSP_SetBypass() result: No errors.
LOG  : General     , 1718506258287> 1718506258287 fmod: FMOD_System_GetMasterChannelGroup() result: No errors.
LOG  : General     , 1718506258287> 1718506258287 fmod: FMOD_ChannelGroup_AddDSP() result: No errors.
LOG  : General     , 1718506258288> 1718506258288 fmod: FMOD_System_Set3DSettings() result: No errors.
ERROR: General     , 1718506259226> ExceptionLogger.logException> Exception thrown java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\mathe\Zomboid\messaging\DebugOptions_list.xml (O sistema nÒo pode encontrar o caminho especificado) at FileOutputStream.open0 (Native Method). Message: Exception thrown writing data: "zombie.debug.DebugOptionsXml@4357afbe". Out file: "C:\Users\mathe\Zomboid\messaging\DebugOptions_list.xml"
ERROR: General     , 1718506259227> DebugLogStream.printException> Stack trace:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\mathe\Zomboid\messaging\DebugOptions_list.xml (O sistema nÒo pode encontrar o caminho especificado)
im getting this erro when running ProjectZomboid32.bat


After writing that command, you have to run the game through your Steam Library > Play. Do not select Alternate launch there or use the .bat files, since the new cachedir will not apply.
Your error basically shows that it cannot create the Zomboid folder in the User folder. The cachedir command changes it to the C drive instead.


Yes it should be. You can also test if you can run the game normally through the Play button now, so you do not need to keep launching it as an admin.


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