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Operation Roboid


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If aliens would be on mars, surely they need more then one heart to live in this enviroment. ;)


Oook, now I get the german humor.... :D


So... do you french guys and gals have a sense of humor?



Aaaaand... did you guys create the french fries... OR WAS IT ZE AMERICANOS?!

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Why remove the neon-ish style. D:


It was giving people headaches (myself included). Plus you can't really do interesting landscape features with neon shapes. Everything becomes an abstract neon shape so no individual part stands out as different. Which is why I have switched to a natural environment, which also works much better with the new theme of the game. Broken discarded robots trying to survive on an island.

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Hey, sorry if im interrupting, but i stumbled across this site and your post  Nickenstein79.


Im wondering if you have anyone working on music/audio production for this? Beacuse aside from a limited background in coding, audio is what i do. I keep my eyes open for projects like to work on, and this one looks pretty promising.


If it's alright, ill toss a link here to my soundcloud if you want to have a listen to some of my work: https://soundcloud.com/myxd



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If it's alright, ill toss a link here to my soundcloud if you want to have a listen to some of my work: https://soundcloud.com/myxd




This kind of post is very welcome in this thread! :D


Having a listen now! :)


Some very talented musicians indeed have already expressed an interest in helping out. I love the community of digital musicians on the internet these days. There are a lot of great music producers out there and they are forthcoming about getting their stuff heard and used. (Including Zach Beaver who did the awesome Zomboid musics.) :)

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@Tyler: -


Some very cool stuff there! :D  My fave by far is "Better Than Me". It has a very 'Lemmings' type feel to it. I love it. :D

It's quite hard working out which sorts of music will work best with the game at this stage, as I am very much in a 'tinkering' stage with the gameplay.

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I see;Do you have a concept as far as story-line goes? from reading the thread here im assuming it has an almost 'apocalyptic' feel. any particular end-game goal? like escape the island or kill something?


If i dust off my IDE i might be able to help with some of the code. What language/libraries are you using?

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I've been struggling for some time with the very tricksy problem of making my robots 'cope' properly with a limitless 3D world distributed across multiple players. I have extra constraints to contend with as my game has a full real-world type physics simulation running.


But I've got it nailed now (YAY!). And to celebrate that milestone, I wrote a spiffy new mighty morphin' power-shader for the 'blueprints' that you want your robots to construct.


It looks like wobbly transparent ghost-jelly in the sky! ;)





PS: It looks so damn good in motion that I'm cutting a video right now! ;)

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A quick update.


I've done a test video by cludging together my infinite landscape code and my wobbly jelly shader code.


The FPS of the video is horrible because of fraps (the game runs @60 fps solid even on a dogshit laptop. I need access to a machine with nvidea-shadowplay to record it properly.) 


Also the cam is moving too fast for you to see that the entire landscape is wobbly. (You can see it briefly as the text fades out before I start moving the camera.)


EDIT: When I say 'Jelly' I mean the substance that Americanadians wrongly call 'Jello'. (And when Americanadians say 'Jelly' they actually mean 'Jam'/'preserve'/'conserve') 






ALSO: Here is a bonus pic of the snowy shader I'm working on (This isn't throw-away-experiment code like in the video above. This is something that is definitely intended for the game) :)



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