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  • 2 weeks later...

Well schools done. Still trying to figure out why my TileEd isn't showing tiles and only ??? in they're place. Everything is still there on both the map and building side but this is getting frustrating. The buildings are still viewable in the preview screen in Building Ed but when I open them up it's the ??? again. Wonder if it has anything to do with root files being moved..hmm. Wish me luck. 


Well schools done. Still trying to figure out why my TileEd isn't showing tiles and only ??? in they're place. Everything is still there on both the map and building side but this is getting frustrating. The buildings are still viewable in the preview screen in Building Ed but when I open them up it's the ??? again. Wonder if it has anything to do with root files being moved..hmm. Wish me luck. 


I came across this recently too. I'm not sure on the exact fix, but have you moved files around recently? Or even extended your map?


From the sounds of it, the folders with all of the tiles in them are no longer linked to your map files, and need to be reconnected.


Got the buildings to show up! Which is all I wanted since this map is going to be overhauled! Tonight I'll pop open this bottle I got and get to work on mapping.  :rolleyes:


Damn, scratch that for now. Got my hopes up too soon, they were viewable in World Ed but not Building Ed. Bah


may i make a request? maybe increase the size of the pond, or add a new body of water somewhere.

and maybe add foraging, if you feel like it.


I appreciate the request, but I can't do anything until the editor is working. Yes, there will be water. A lot is going to change, be patient and I'll explain more once I'm over this first hurdle. 


Found the tile paths, letting it re-import them all. Seem to be missing Location_Community_Church_Small_02. Any place I can get it?


After a little bit of a rough start I'm a couple hours into mapping without any problems. As of right now Dreadwood v2 is officially under construction .  (clyde)


Dreadwood is being almost completely redone save for the many buildings already created. Here is a little bit of whats to come.


-New Layout for Dreadwood

-Water sources (Lake and ponds)

-Hunting and Trapping capabilities

-Buildings more spread out

-More woods with trails and camp sites. 


Hello everyone, hope you're all well. Going to be taking the weekend off for my birthday so I uploaded images of the map where it is right now. You can check them out in the original post on the first page. 


Whats new?


Improving the grass texture to make it more realistic

Added more trailers

Added more suburban homes

Added some shops and a train station.

Added the highway asphalt

(train station)



A lot on my plate for Dreadwood but man it feels good to be back into mapping. I may try and add more cells around the map for just vegitation. I get the feeling having the city on the edge of the map might be a pain


The train station looks cool! However I'd test if those stairs work one after another like that. You might have to put a floor piece between them to work.


I was worried about the same thing but a quick play-test let me go right up them. Added more railings so it don't look so treacherous even though you cannot fall off stairs. Thanks for the feedback! The platform is a little bland right now but maybe a little table or box could fix it. Been trying to test my buildings so as to not forget about them in the process, the less bugs the better! 

  • 4 weeks later...

Uhh.. please excuse my ignorance, but I can't seem to find the download link anywhere. :mad:


I think the map creator said it's unusable at the moment so there is no download link for the Version of Dreadwood he is working on.


However his old one (over a year old) is working, but won't work for the current Zomboid Build.

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

great map love the detail, but I have noticed a few thing while playing on the map. I can't plaster walls or remove grass. also trees only ever give 1 log when chopped down.


1.you need lvl 10 carpentry to plaster stuff im pretty sure if you have lvl 10 then no idea

2.that may be the fact that dreadwood doesn't have the foraging atm

3.That sounds like pure unluckiness or a base game problem lol


great map love the detail, but I have noticed a few thing while playing on the map. I can't plaster walls or remove grass. also trees only ever give 1 log when chopped down.


1.you need lvl 10 carpentry to plaster stuff im pretty sure if you have lvl 10 then no idea

2.that may be the fact that dreadwood doesn't have the foraging atm

3.That sounds like pure unluckiness or a base game problem lol


Hmm that's odd, I'm able to plaster and remove grass, although I'm right there with ya on the one log issue, I thought it was maybe cause I didn't choose axe man this time around but I'm not sure.


@Fluffe, Man idk if my games just supremely lucky, or just weird haha but im actually able to forage on this map, no lie! although its weird, but as long as im outside in dreadwood I can forage anywhere lol, even on rooftops and what not haha. I was just soo happy to find that this map still works mostly after all this time! it may be small, but its such a great addition to having Drayton, New Denver, and Bedford Falls all on my map, adds so much to explore :)

  • 2 weeks later...






Pridelost Member Since 25 Feb 2014

OFFLINE Last Active Jul 02 2015 10:06 PM



I wonder whats going on... :/



The maps dead, what's there to wonder?


;) read again .



The map author's last post was in June... That was over four months ago.


Reading is an important first step but does not replace critical thinking skills.

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