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Hallucinating Zombies when infected


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So I was reading a thread and I came across someone mentioning the old zombie hallucinations which used to happen in older builds, I was wondering if the developers plan on re-adding this?

For those who don't know, basically when you were infected by a zombie, during the late stages of your sickness you would start seeing/hearing zombies that weren't there.  It was a really scary feature, I remember I would be in my house in the dark, and walking down the corridor I'd just see movement in the room as I walked past, seeing the outline of a zombie shambling towards me (which vanished out of my field of vision as I was walking past), so of course I turned to fight it only to notice it wasn't really there.


This was an amazing feature, and should be reimplemented maybe as a form of insanity? This could be great if you start seeing things that NPC's and other players can't see, it would really drive the mental implications of a zombie apocalypse as a game feature.




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I think i saw this original post too sfy, it was contained in something unrelated so i think OP has extrapolated the bit he wanted to talk about in a fresh arena (possibly)


Anyway, me personally, i think its a cool idea. anything that adds a bit of weirdness like that. i even like the idea of having a nightmare where zombies are attacking your barricades and it all seems futile, all your items have turned to spiffo and bleach, you think the game is glitching out or something, you get bitten and then boom, you wake up.


I would love that. But i could totally see it getting annoying if overdone. 


So yes, I'm all for adding back in hallucination Zeke. And anything that topples out of from that idea 

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Yeah I think that if it was use sparingly so that it really creeps you out, then it would be amazing.  I could imagine maybe things like hearing a window smashing downstairs and heading down to find that everything is ok would also be pretty creepy.  Hallucinations could also work for NPC's, say you happen to glimpse a guy with a shotgun pointed at you from the side of your vision, look back and he's gone. 

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it should be in tight relation to the mental health system...so it wouldn't really affect "sane" people and therefore wouldn't seem to be overused.

would fit to the "paranoid" perk someone mentioned in another post

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