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More Distributions Typos in the loot tables


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Following my old bug report

I found more typos in the distributions tables :

local typos ={
  	-- keys are what is referenced in the Distributions.lua file
	-- values are what they should be referencing, aka the actual key in ProceduralDistributions.lua
    CrateCompactDisks = "CrateCompactDiscs",
    BakeryDonuts = "BakeryDoughnuts",
    CrateSandbags = "CrateSandBags",
    SportsStoreSneakers = "SportStoreSneakers",
    PlankStashWeapon = "PlankStashGun",
    ElectronicStoreComputer = "ElectronicStoreComputers",
    ElectronicsStoreMusic = "ElectronicStoreMusic",
    CrateNapkins = "CratePaperNapkins",
    MusicStoreAcoustic = "MusicStoreGuitar",


Additionally, I found the following loot tables referenced in Distributions.lua, but without a corresponding key in ProceduralDistributions.lua :

-- line 7210, 7230, 7239 , pawnshopoffice loot
{name="GunStoreGuns", min=0, max=99, weightChance=100},

-- line 7964, sewingstore loot
{name="BookstoreTailoring", min=1, max=2, weightChance=100},


Edited by Champy
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