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Bedford Falls (Test V2)


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Good evening everyone !


First of all, this post is a google translate, cause my english is not good.


Then, these two days we try to properly integrate the map of Bedford Falls V2 on a private server, without success.


The worry is that the map does not load in full and you end up with this:




Namely, the southern part of the map, part of which is outside the map of muldraught, always load correctly.

Only the north, straddling the map of Muldraught, has problem loading, as if the files in the copy of the map is not settled properly.


We have repeatedly retry reset the server / reinstall the map, but loading remains uncertain, sometimes parts appear sometimes no.


If someone has a solution to save us, that would be great!


Thank you and see you soon ... i hope   :mrgreen:

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Hey here's an issue my friend and I've encountered playing Bedford Falls V2 opn the IWBUMS (32.27; 32.28 & 32.29) it's the same issue as the poster post's in this thread here:




TL:DR the NorthWest of the map DOES NOT load properly.... so my friend can't go explore there as he planned.  :shock:  :cry:





Good evening everyone !


oh you beat me to it  :mrgreen:

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Thats what i was thinking, we are not alone !


Is the creator alive ?


Last post on summer 2014 ....


We want the Bedford falls V3, plzzzz


Thats the best map ever !

lol, the creator of Bedford is one of the Devs, (notice the fact his name is in Staff Red)and it's pretty safe to assume he is rather busy with Dev stuff currently. in time, you will be able to create your own custom map building by building while in the game, just have some patience

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Hey guys, sorry for the long absence, but Bedford Falls V3 is low live on Steam Workshop - with added zombies and foraging!




I will update the download in the OP of this thread, but for now your best bet is to subscribe to the mod on the workshop.


As far as parts of the map not loading on a multiplayer server, I'm afraid I can't really help you much there, you might have better luck looking in the PZ Multiplayer forum.


There will still be the odd building that may have a bug or two, if/when they are reported here I will squash them and update as quick as I can (another reason to use workshop rather than having to manually re-download and install).

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Hey guys, sorry for the long absence, but Bedford Falls V3 is low live on Steam Workshop - with added zombies and foraging!




I will update the download in the OP of this thread, but for now your best bet is to subscribe to the mod on the workshop.


As far as parts of the map not loading on a multiplayer server, I'm afraid I can't really help you much there, you might have better luck looking in the PZ Multiplayer forum.


There will still be the odd building that may have a bug or two, if/when they are reported here I will squash them and update as quick as I can (another reason to use workshop rather than having to manually re-download and install).

My favorite map is back! Yaaay

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Hey guys gonna close this thread now as I decided to start a new one for the new Steam Workshop version of Bedford Falls, which includes foraging and zombie respawn.

It can be found here: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/16546-bedford-falls-v3-steam-workshop/

It makes installing and using Bedford Falls a lot easier and will mean auto updates for you guys whenever they're done.

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