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Does Project Zomboid runs on an Apple iMac 2021 with M1 processor?


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I would like to kill very evil zombies cause they are sinister creatures of everlasting darknes without moral.



Does Project Zomboid runs on an Apple iMac 2021 with M1 processor?

Because on www.steam.com I read: "Processor: Intel x86 (M1/M2 not supported at this time)"


So can I play this game without any problems?


1 hour ago, Brainwiener said:

No answer??? It seems that the developers do not want to sell their game to Apple-Users?!??!

We try our best to answer all queries as fast as possible, but sometimes things get missed, or people aren't around to answer or busy. It's not indicative of some malice towards users.


Regardless, after a very short search on the forum I've found an older post explaining this in better detail.



For now, we can't support M1/M2 Macs, as mentioned in the specs on the Steam store. PZ is only a x86 application.


Every single library we use + all our custom stuff would have to be converted or already built using ARM64 for this to be possible. So while we do hope to support it in the future, we're unable to at this time. it's not possible to just replace one moment, such as the JVM, or one library -- they all have to be converted.


I should note that it ran fine at the time of original release for the M1 but subsequent OSX updates seems to have degraded performance and removed features, such as DPI awareness.  Unfortunately we don't have a fix for that.


We're also on borrowed time on Mac in general because Apple has deprecated OpenGl support. It's anyone's guess as to when they'll fully remove it, but the chances of us migrating to metal or vulken is very low at the moment. We don't have the expertise for this and the audience isn't there for a Mac-focused dev team, basically. (Part of why Java and OpenGL was chosen was that it worked across Windows, Mac, and Linux -- everyone on the same build). Not a great situation for anyone.




It'll probably run, but you might experience crashes when resizing the window + have to run the game in window mode in order to get it to work. Due to the out-of-box experience, we can't list it as supported at this time.


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