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Future Late Game Foreshadowing?


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So I've been looking at the PZ map lately and I noticed quite a few interesting locations, namely the Powerplants/transformators and relay towers. There are also big fuel refineries in Louisville.

Am I the only one with the feeling that we may be able to prolong electricity, maintain long distance radio communication, and maybe prevent water shut off for a while (Didn't find any bbuilding that could be a water plant yet) in the future? I mean if it would be possible to maintain such infrastructure it would add something to do in the late game especially when NPC come out, also it would encourage travelling, map exploration, and maintaining safe areas.  Or is that a bit to far fetched/ ambitious? Maybe those buildings are there simply to remind us what wonders of civilisation we lost?

It's not a suggestion it's just a feeling that I may be on to something, don't yell at me for being in a wrong thread.

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