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Server running and scripting


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I'm running a Hungarian server and I've done a lot of reading and experimenting. I would like to share the result of this with you. 


I apologize for my English. If I do not write correctly please forgive me.


Unfortunately, I noticed that there is not a comprehensive description of the operation.

I have tried several ways to make the server stable. Docker, AMP and others. So far the most stable is when I installed it directly on a linux. 
Based on this: https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Dedicated_Server#Linux 

The important thing is that the game must be run as a service


However, if I run it natural I can't use many things that were very convenient. E.g. automatic reboot daily, writing logins and logouts to DC, etc... I started to program these.

According to the wiki description above, if you have installed the server then the files are in /home/pzuser/Zomboid. These are what we will be operating with. I'll try to guide you through so you can use the ones I've already developed.

I run the server on Ubuntu 22.0.4

If you have any feedback or ideas, please let me know... 

I am developing the scripts, I will update the changes here


My first task was the daily restart. Obviously this is done by crone on linux, but I didn't want to reboot the server with brute force in a barbaric way. I was afraid of losing data.

Make a restart.sh file in your home directory. 



touch /home/yourname/restarter.sh


restarter.sh contents: 


#Checking stemCMD server status

#Start DateTime
date +'%Y.%m.%d %T'
echo "Start PZ server restart"

#POST request to Discord Webhook
dc_channel="YOUR DC WEBHOOK URL"
rcon_passwd="YOUR RCON PASSWD"

#send message to discord channel function
sendDC () {
    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"content\": \"$1\"}" $dc_channel

sendDC "Starting restart method..."
echo "30 sec"
rcon -H localhost -p 27015 -P $rcon_passwd servermsg \"Restart after 30sec\"
sleep 20
echo "10 sec"
rcon -H localhost -p 27015 -P $rcon_passwd servermsg \"Restart after 10sec\"
sleep 5
echo "5 sec"
rcon -H localhost -p 27015 -P $rcon_passwd servermsg \"Restart after 5sec\"
sleep 5

sendDC "Status: Save and Quit"
date +'%Y.%m.%d %T'
#PZ server save and quit
rcon -H localhost -p 27015 -P $rcon_passwd quit

#TODO checking in loop 10 sleep
#wait 3m for it to expire for sure
sleep 3m
#check service status
serviceStatus=$( systemctl is-active zomboid.service )
echo "Service status: $serviceStatus";

if [ $serviceStatus == 'active' ]
    date +'%Y.%m.%d %T'
    echo "Server running... waiting..."
    systemctl stop zomboid.service
    echo "Server stopped after sysctl stopping!"
    sendDC "Status: Stopped"
    sleep 30
    date +'%Y.%m.%d %T'
    echo "Server stopped!"
    sendDC "Status: Stopped"

#start service
date +'%Y.%m.%d %T'
echo "Starting"
sendDC "Status: Starting..."
systemctl start zomboid.service

#wait 3m before connecting
sleep 3m
echo "Ready"
sendDC "Status: Ready"

echo "----------";

now create a log file where the output of the script will be saved...  (don't forget to change your name)


touch /home/yourname/log


now set the script to run every day at 04:00... 

crontab -e

copy to the bottom of the file (don't forget to change your name)


0 4 * * * /home/yourname/restarter.sh >> /home/yourname/log

I will continue soon with the description of the script that monitors player logins

Edited by theanimal
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