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Get Total Zombies Spawned and Remaining for Cell in LUA


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Hey attempting to get the total zombies spawned and remaining, but in LUA. 


I can see the numbers in the debug mode as per this post below.. But I want to get them in LUA so I can build a mod.


So far looking at the DOCS i can see a SubClass  of "IsoWorld" called "MetaCell". It contains a field called "ZombieCount"


so something like. I suck at lua so probably got syntax wrong.. any ideas?

local zombieCountTest = getWorld():MetaCell[0].zombieCount


I did managed to get this to calculate nearby zombies, but it doesn't get them for the whole cell like the post shows. It only gets the nearby zombies that are spawned.

local celldata = getWorld():getCell():getZombieList():size();


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