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Some little helper scripts for modders


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Hey there,

I just wanted to share some of my util scripts I recently use with IDEA run configurations. Maybe anyone else will benefit from it, too.

The batch scripts will of course only work under windows.



@ECHO off
:: Update-Script for Zomboid Steam-WorkshopItems
:: Usage-Example:
:: UpdateSteamWorkshopObject 522891356

:: Adjust these paths as needed
SET steamcmd=E:/Programme/SteamCMD/steamcmd.exe
SET steamdir=E:/Programme/Steam

"%steamcmd%"  +force_install_dir "%steamdir%" +login anonymous +workshop_download_item 108600 %~1 +quit




:: Path to your dev servers "zomboid" directory
:: Use with care, it will delete all multiplayer save files within in and the server database file
SET zomboid_directory=E:\Development\Java Workspace\ProjectZomboidModding\appdata
SET servername=DebugServer

DEL "%zomboid_directory%\db\%servername%.db" /F /Q
DEL "%zomboid_directory%\Saves\Multiplayer\" /S /F /Q
FOR /D %%a IN ("%zomboid_directory%\Saves\Multiplayer\*.*") DO RD /Q /S "%%a"




-- Script to convert spawnpoints in the format like given in spawnpoints.lua files to the format required for objects.lua in maps.
-- I mainly use this to fix/adjust spawnpoints of 3rd party maps I adapt.

-- EXAMPLE DATA. Replace as needed
spawnpoints = {
  unemployed = {
    { worldX = 38, worldY = 23, posX = 80,  posY = 124, posZ = 0 },
    { worldX = 38, worldY = 22, posX = 243, posY = 96,  posZ = 0 },
    { worldX = 38, worldY = 22, posX = 94,  posY = 102, posZ = 0 },
    { worldX = 38, worldY = 22, posX = 12,  posY = 124, posZ = 0 },
    { worldX = 37, worldY = 22, posX = 197, posY = 130, posZ = 0 },
  cook = {
    { worldX = 38, worldY = 23, posX = 122, posY = 12, posZ = 1 },
    { worldX = 38, worldY = 22, posX = 12,  posY = 287, posZ = 0 },

for profession, entries in pairs(spawnpoints) do
  local prof = tostring(profession)
  if prof == 'unemployed' then prof = 'all' end
  for _, v in pairs(entries) do
    print("{ name = '', type = 'SpawnPoint', x = "..v.worldX*300+v.posX..", y = "..v.worldY*300+v.posY..", z = "..(v.posZ or "0")..", width = 1, height = 1, properties = { Professions = '"..prof.."' } },")

-- { name = '', type = 'SpawnPoint', x = 11522, y = 6912, z = 1, width = 1, height = 1, properties = { Professions = 'cook' } },
-- { name = '', type = 'SpawnPoint', x = 11412, y = 6887, z = 0, width = 1, height = 1, properties = { Professions = 'cook' } },
-- { name = '', type = 'SpawnPoint', x = 11480, y = 7024, z = 0, width = 1, height = 1, properties = { Professions = 'all' } },
-- { name = '', type = 'SpawnPoint', x = 11643, y = 6696, z = 0, width = 1, height = 1, properties = { Professions = 'all' } },
-- { name = '', type = 'SpawnPoint', x = 11494, y = 6702, z = 0, width = 1, height = 1, properties = { Professions = 'all' } },
-- { name = '', type = 'SpawnPoint', x = 11412, y = 6724, z = 0, width = 1, height = 1, properties = { Professions = 'all' } },
-- { name = '', type = 'SpawnPoint', x = 11297, y = 6730, z = 0, width = 1, height = 1, properties = { Professions = 'all' } },






// This scripts excepts a path to a worldmap.xml file and calculate the map boundaries out of its content.
// You can add optional padding. By default, I've set it to 10 extra squares on each edge.
// Might be used for auto-generation of MapDefinitions as well (simply parse or adjust the output string in this case)

// XML cell analysis done!
// (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = 12890, 9890, 14410, 11410

/********* OPTIONS ***********/
const TILES_PER_CELL = 300;
const BOUND_PADDING  = 10;

$xmin = null;
$ymin = null;
$xmax = null;
$ymax = null;
$cells = [];
if ( !$argv || !$argv[1] || $argv[1] == '' ) {
  echo 'Missing argument';
if ( !file_exists($argv[1]) ) {
  echo "File {$argv[1]} not found";
$xml = file_get_contents($argv[1]);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
foreach ( $xml as $elem ) {
  if ( $elem->getName() == 'cell' ) { $cells[] = $elem; }
foreach ( $cells as $cell ) {
  foreach ( $cell->attributes() as $name => $value ) {
    if ( $name == 'x' ) {
      $current = (int)$value * TILES_PER_CELL;
      foreach ( $cell->children() as $feature ) {
        if ( $feature->getName() == 'feature' ) {
          foreach ( $feature->children() as $geometry ) {
            if ( $geometry->getName() == 'geometry' ) {
              foreach ( $geometry->children() as $coordinates ) {
                if ( $coordinates->getName() == 'coordinates' ) {
                  foreach ( $coordinates->children() as $point ) {
                    if ( $point->getName() == 'point' ) {
                      foreach ( $point->attributes() as $key => $val ) {
                        if ( $key == 'x' ) {
                          if ( $xmax == null || $xmax < $current + $val ) { $xmax = $current + $val; }
                          if ( $xmin == null || $xmin > $current + $val ) { $xmin = $current + $val; }
    } elseif ( $name == 'y' ) {
      $current = (int)$value * TILES_PER_CELL;
      foreach ( $cell->children() as $feature ) {
        if ( $feature->getName() == 'feature' ) {
          foreach ( $feature->children() as $geometry ) {
            if ( $geometry->getName() == 'geometry' ) {
              foreach ( $geometry->children() as $coordinates ) {
                if ( $coordinates->getName() == 'coordinates' ) {
                  foreach ( $coordinates->children() as $point ) {
                    if ( $point->getName() == 'point' ) {
                      foreach ( $point->attributes() as $key => $val ) {
                        if ( $key == 'y' ) {
                          if ( $ymax == null || $ymax < $current + $val ) { $ymax = $current + $val; }
                          if ( $ymin == null || $ymin > $current + $val ) { $ymin = $current + $val; }


echo "\n\nXML cell analysis done!\n";
echo "(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = ${xmin}, ${ymin}, ${xmax}, ${ymax}\n";

If you add the this PHP script as remote tool, you can simply right click on any valid worldmap.xml and call the script. Works similar like the in-game map definitions tool.

Here is my remote tool definition as example:





Well, I guess that's enough so far.


Best regards,


Edited by stuck1a
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