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How to add a new Pills function?


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I've been trying to find this function for hours... I've gotten a new pills item but when you consume it, it doesn't do anything..... Also, I used the same exact pillsbox as in game but during the animation, its offset is away from the hand??? Can someone please direct me which files I need to edit to add a new function for my new pills item when consuming it so it decreases the amount of them and also has function, I can implement I beg ....

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Given the way pills are coded, the following will work for custom versions:


The custom item name must start with Pills.


item PillsEnergy 
	Type = Drainable,
	UseDelta = 0.1, /*** math: uses/100 for 10 uses ***/


Override ISTakePillAction:perform, check for custom item, do a thing:


--- inside client folder add lua file to override as follows:
  -- Option 1: Use this assignment for debugging purpose; preserves original 'perform' function given this lua is reloaded while debugging it.
  ISTakePillActionPerform = ISTakePillActionPerform or ISTakePillAction.perform
  -- Option 2: Use this assignment for final release.
  -- local ISTakePillActionPerform = ISTakePillAction.perform
  function ISTakePillAction:perform()
      if (self.item:getFullType() == 'Base.PillsEnergy') then --- Note: module 'Base' is assumed. Use what is valid.
          --- Note: custom code here; like self.character:getStats():setFatigue(0)
      ISTakePillActionPerform(self) -- still call original for action cleanup.

-- Yesod

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