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Light Emitter in the middle of nowhere


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Is there are any options to create a light emmiter in the middle of nowhere?

Like a FireManager for example which could create a fire on any square?


If there is nothing like that exist currently, maybe there are something else which could produce the similar effect?

For example I was looking on items such as candles, fire arm (which got a flash light attached), was checking mods there someone is trhowing something with a light emmiter - but all of these options are required to have an item equiped in a primery hand and this is kinda doesn't suits my needs.


Objects defined in .tile def has integrated properties regarding Light, but these applies only then the tile is placed/built and this is also kinda weird solution as I feel to follow this way if I  just need to spawn a light emmiter for couple of seconds. 
Third thing which i know, that we can startMuzzleFlash, but this requires a IsoGameCharacter to be spawned on, also feels uncertain - why we need someone to spawn a bunch of light, and looks like this flash has a hardcoded properties for its size and intensity.. Thats all i know currently and thats not enough to feel comfortable.

Maybe someone knows a more straightforward way of achieving it?

Or just other ways of creating light sources.

Please, any ideas and suggestions would be helpful.


Thank you.

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