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Steam or Gog?_?


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11 hours ago, RedMoxi said:

Looking to buy this game, possibly for coop, could anyone advise if there is any key difference between the two with regards to online coop play and mods available?


Thanks in advance for help.


GOG version is DRM free, but you won't be able to access the Steam Workshop where most of the mods for the game are available. Otherwise they are identical.

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I have the GOG version and I'm able to download mods by using SteamCMD.


I even wrote a batch script to automate the process. The only downside is that mods aren't automatically updated.


Here's the code. Instructions:


1.Download SteamCMD: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Downloading_SteamCMD

2. Open a text file in the same folder as steamcmd.exe

3. Modify line 4 to reflect where you have the folder for "steamcmd" ("D:\Games") and where the files should be moved to once they're downloaded ("C:\Users\YourNameHere\Zomboid")

4. Save the text file with the .bat file extension


set /p id=Enter the ID of the mod you wish to download: 
Start "" /wait steamcmd +login anonymous +workshop_download_item 108600 %id% +quit
echo Moving folder...
robocopy D:\Games\steamcmd\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\%id% C:\Users\YourNameHere\Zomboid\ /E /MOVE
echo Done!

Once it's all set up, just go to the mod page you want to download, copy the mod ID (it's in the address bar, but can also usually be found at the bottom of the mod's description), run the .bat file, paste the ID, hit enter, and that's it.


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