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[MAC] project zomboid does not have permission to access the microphone


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Currently, we have an issue when playing Project Zomboid MP with Voip enabled.

The microphone does not work because the game doesn't require the Mac for permission to access it.


To temporarily fix the problem we need to start the game from the java launcher inside projectZomboid/content/MacOS (and not from steam).



• Version?

• Singleplayer/Multiplayer?

• Host or dedicated?

• Mods?

• Reproduction steps:
    • 41.3
    • Multiplayer.
    • Host or dedicated
    • No.

    • Reproduction steps:
         1. Start game with Mac via Steam launcher.
         2. connect to any dedicate servers
         3. turn on the Voip and try to talk.



 • temporarily fix -Reproduction steps:
         1. go to ProjectZomboid/Content/MacOs and run the javaLauncher

         2. accepts the authorization to use the microphone
         3. connect to any dedicate servers
         4. turn on the Voip and try to talk.


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