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Pitch Black night setting makes flashlights (and other illumination devices) too dark and not usuable


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When I play on any other darkness during night setting:
The other settings are not dark enough when I don't have a flashlight, but when playing with Pitch Black, the flashliughts are in some areas very bad.
This is made worse with addition of some mods and certain rooms and textures like the image below:

I want the flashlights to be able to illuminate the world in a meaningful way while the rest of the world remains mainly dark.

I have tried to fix this issue using a mod, but some of the commands that would help me fix this are functioning werid and buggy:

With the temporary fix, I can right now make the world brighter if the player has a turned on flashlight in their hand or attached.:

This is something I wish the normal game would do or have an extra option to make flashlights brighter using the Pitch Black setting!!!

There is another issue that everyone has different screens when playing this game, for some players it's worse than others.
Hopefully there can be a real fix or a better light mechanic to fix this one day!

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7 hours ago, Beard said:

Lightning Quality is set to in the game Options



The issue appears on other settings as well.
Here's a location in westpoint school where it's very obvious:


Certain ground textures make it very obvious. 

While testing I found more data about the illumination and NightDarkness setting (below)

Illumination inefficiency:

Another example of the issue of illumination being inefficient with pitch black setting:
VERSUS bright:


Here is the same spot without illumination (lighter) pitch black:
Versus bright:




What I would like?
- Pitch black(NightDarkness setting) with out lights and illumination should be pitch black

- When a light is used, the illumination produced should be more like the bright (NightDarkness setting).
It may seem like preference, but in my opinion the current pitch black setting is not good. And the in-between settings fail to provide the desired experience.

Currently the pitch black setting is not 100% pitch black without any illumination. (would require less view distance for un-illuminated areas in the player view cone)
^ This image contains some information ahead of the player, meaning that it's possible to turn the gamma up to see, even with pitch black setting.
This is bad because it's supposed to be dark and the game will look different on different monitors and gamma configurations: (example of the data in the image that shouldn't be there, because it is more visible on some configurations and monitors.)

In order to make the game look more similar on different configurations the view distance in pitch black should be more limited with 100% darkness (like the sides of the view cone).
Ideally, illuminated areas (such as campfire in distance) would be visible, in the player view cone, while unilluminated areas should be 100% dark, just like outside of the view cone.

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As far as I understand, this can't be done with the way the game currently works, as darkness is a color tint applied to the entire screen.


Those functions are also, I assume meant to be used from the admin panel on a server, not just called directly from Lua. They might need authentication with an admin account to function, so probably can't work fully server-side. 

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