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Server-Save Backup


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Hopefully this will be useful to others.


 - A Google account (and thus a Google Drive account)
 - Google Drive desktop application
 - A full copy of WinRAR
What follows is a simple guide for backing up the server save files. For anyone hosting a dedicated server, I would hope you'd not need this. To everyone else you can use this (or not) as you please.
The batch file will collect and compress the files and then move them to a folder which Gdrive (Google Drive) will upload.
 - Create an empty batch file. Howto: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+create+a+batch+file
 - Change where it reads <username> to the Windows account username under which you have Project Zomboid installed.
 - Paste the contents below into the newly created batch file
cd C:\Progra~1\WinRAR 
rar a -r PZ-Backup.rar *.bin C:\Users\<username>\Zomboid\Sandbox\servertest
move /Y PZ-Backup.rar C:\Users\<username>\Google~1
pause > nul

I should also point out that this batch file automates much of the required actions whilst Google Drive does much of the other duties. However if you wish this process to be fully automated then you would need to use Windows Task Scheduling to fully automate this backup
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