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Support Structure, Column Trenches, Drills and blistered hands

Nick Laughlin

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I suggest that fences, brand new walls and structures have a " SupportStructureValue"

This value means the fence, logwall etc is attached to something sturdy like a post and a well buried concrete structure, so:

-Log walls should be built supported by holes on the ground, first you make a hole with a new tool "two hilt digger". Walls supported by holes have "SupportStructureValue" = 80

-You could make Sturdy Columns with tiny trenches on the ground and concrete, Sturdy Columns have the "Support StructureValue" 100.

-You could simply raise a wall by itself and hope it doesnt fall, so its "SupportStructure Value" is Zero. --BUT you could lean supported planks and logs behind it and tie/nail them to increase its support values

       -- You could also tie the unsuppprted wall to a nearby wall/collumn, so they SHARE the SupportValues in a radius pattern etc.


-Bushcraft buildings with columns made from hole trench + cinderblock + concrete (or dirt mix with its penalties)  + log.


So I suggest new items:

Power drill -- pierce walls to tie them with wire or rope. Also used for piercing planks for carpentry.

Bohrwinden (drilling winches)-- Just like the drill, but has a rotating muscle powered handle.

Two hilt hole digger tool (its like two shovels on a scissors pattern slender tool) -- dig a fast hole for a column, dig more holes for a trench


New use for known items

- stilletos, screwdrivers could pierce walls and planks like a drill, with a powered muscle and a blistered hand (I build fences in my garden so I know that a blister  naturally comes to your hand when you makeshift a drill with a stilleto/screwdriver.

-Shovels could dig tiny trenches formcollumns and logwalls but hoes and pickaxes are better.


New injury

-Blistered hands, so gloves are really useful when you overuse tools like shovels, pickaxes, axes, screwdrivers (trust me, my both hands are blistered right now)

-Blistered foot, for unfit shoes etc (I suggest unfit shoes, glasses, tshirts, pants with different tolerat values and penalties for oversizes etc)

-Blister makes BandAids more useful. And makes your hand vulnerable if you handle contaminated stuff like dirty rags or corpses.

-Blister recovery naturaly, doesnt bleed etc, but your unprotected hand is vulnerable if you handle contaminated stuff. And you could get a infection if you dont remove your glove to treat them etc.


-Scar and thick skin comes naturally sistem: as blisters comes and go, they form a natural leather like skin, that lasts for a month or so. So some blisters form this resistent skin as long as you dont pierce or injury the blister even more so they become cuts or scratches.



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