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Just played a bit on it. It's amazing the type of stuff people pass over when they loot. Was able to get a safe house set up with a good amount of food and items. Ended up logging off as I was the only one on the map at the moment.


Hopefully people will be kicking around more this evening.


Server issues with crashing, should for the most part be fixed. If it continues, going to have to find a way to start limiting player connections. Hopefully I won't need to though.

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Just finished a really long run on it and things were running great. Had to move several hordes to get some gear, and even doing that was fairly smooth (minus some small lag with giant groups). All in all, its running really well. Excited to see a stable release and the admin tools/mods that follow. 

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i tried to connect to your server yesterday, but it won't work :(


The server crashed as soon as I was at work and wasn't in a position to restart it until I got home yesterday. When I was home it made a whole bunch of new problems, so I had to go upgrade the server. Should be working fine now though.

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I'd be interested in joining if possible, PM me with the details? (Never really tried to be added to a whitelist for anything so not sure how that works.)


The server is public, there are 20000000000 posts stating it is public, even on the main thread it says it is public.

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I'd be interested in joining if possible, PM me with the details? (Never really tried to be added to a whitelist for anything so not sure how that works.)


The server is public, there are 20000000000 posts stating it is public, even on the main thread it says it is public.


That's cool didn't notice. That's a lot of posts bro. Anyway there's some "Delay processing packet of type (insert numbers here) while loading game. And idea what it is?

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