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Power Lines Along Roads: Fade-away Option?


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Good day survivors!


While I love the new map additions with b41 stable, I've come to find the power lines along long stretches of road to be a bit of a distracting feature. I'll show a couple of examples to what I mean:




While from the perspective of the camera the lines would look like this, the lines create this distracting illusion of being lines laid along the road, not up in the air due to the isometric perspective. I'd like to propose that the power lines near the character fade away in a similar fashion to the tree I'm standing next to when they're close to me. The fade away would keep the lines being directly atop the character which I've come to find a bit distracting and doesn't look as good. I've only got a small sample size of people I've asked about how the power lines look along roads like this and had a couple in agreement, so I'd thought it make for an interesting discussion if other people get that optical illusion of the lines being on the road. To check that I've got a little video clip below I took of driving along the power lines.


driving along the road shown below: https://i.imgur.com/j93g6zi.mp4




Not all roads are like this, some have the power lines in an orientation that has them off the road and they look amazing driving out in the country and look that much more realistic and beautiful. The road in this video look a lot better, to me anyways.




What are your thoughts? Do you think a fade-away option similar to trees would help with this or make it look better, or do you believe it's fine from the camera's perspective versus the player's perspective?

Edited by Sedgwick
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