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possibility to cauterize a wound in emergency cases (scratch, cut)


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possibility to cauterize a wound in emergency cases (scratch, cut)

This way is like a 50/50 heads and tails game, you can either make yourself better or hurt yourself more.

EXAMPLE: You have cut yourself or been pushed by a zombie, and you have a large wound that is not healing quickly, whether you have bandages or not. 

Cauterization - A manipulation consisting of applying a localized superficial burn or causing deeper necrobiosis, up to and including scabbing, using heat, electricity, radiant energy, or chemicals for therapeutic purposes.

For example to stop bleeding too (which zombies run to smell) which takes a very long time to disappear or to cauterize a laceration which takes a very long time to heal.

And if you hurt your leg and can barely walk, cauterizing the wound can increase recovery.

( all of the above is not something I made up or took from movies, I went through a lot of docs' documentation and found enough information that cauterizations really help) 

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You probably don't want to cauterize a scratch - that would be insane.

That would be like cutting your arm off because you got a papercut.


Cauterizing though would be a nice idea for heavy bleeding. 

Put Metal Bar in Camp Fire - so its heated. Then use it to cauterize. 


Will stop heavy bleeding - ( Player does not lose HP when changing bandage ) 

Will decrease chance of infection from dirty bandage


But player will be weak with that body part for 2 - 3 days ( based on site of wound ) 

Requires 5 - 7 day of bandages

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