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MP 41.68 Zeds not respawning with no mods



I'm unable to get zeds to respawn with any settings. No matter what settings i use zeds do no respawn, default/custom/whatever I never see a increase in my populations in cities.


At first I though it was players moving around and keeping cells away, but i can go to remote parts of the server, clear out the zeds and what i come back.. its still empty.


If i go into debug mod on the server the number next to the population just ticks between 1.0 and 0.99. But in single player the exact same settings i can watch the system repopulate the cells after they reach the count down.


If I clear out a area, leave and then come back zed migration sort of helps balance out the missing zeds but over time a long ran server slowly has less and less zeds. The only solution is to bring up the horde UI and spawn a horde or type a command to type a command if I want keep my players involved.


  Is there anyone else that has some magic combination of settings that allows zeds to repawn?

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SandboxVars = {
    VERSION = 4,
    Zombies = 4,
    Distribution = 1,
    DayLength = 5,
    StartYear = 1,
    StartMonth = 7,
    StartDay = 9,
    StartTime = 2,
    WaterShut = 2,
    ElecShut = 2,
    WaterShutModifier = 28,
    ElecShutModifier = 28,
    FoodLoot = 2,
    CannedFoodLoot = 2,
    LiteratureLoot = 2,
    SurvivalGearsLoot = 2,
    MedicalLoot = 2,
    WeaponLoot = 2,
    RangedWeaponLoot = 2,
    AmmoLoot = 2,
    MechanicsLoot = 2,
    OtherLoot = 2,
    Temperature = 3,
    Rain = 3,
    ErosionSpeed = 3,
    ErosionDays = 0,
    XpMultiplier = 1.0,
    ZombieAttractionMultiplier = 1.0,
    VehicleEasyUse = false,
    Farming = 3,
    CompostTime = 2,
    StatsDecrease = 3,
    NatureAbundance = 3,
    Alarm = 4,
    LockedHouses = 6,
    StarterKit = true,
    Nutrition = true,
    FoodRotSpeed = 3,
    FridgeFactor = 3,
    LootRespawn = 1,
    SeenHoursPreventLootRespawn = 0,
    WorldItemRemovalList = "Base.Vest,Base.Shirt,Base.Blouse,Base.Skirt,Base.Shoes,Base.Hat,Base.Glasses",
    HoursForWorldItemRemoval = 24.0,
    ItemRemovalListBlacklistToggle = false,
    TimeSinceApo = 1,
    PlantResilience = 3,
    PlantAbundance = 3,
    EndRegen = 3,
    Helicopter = 3,
    MetaEvent = 2,
    SleepingEvent = 1,
    GeneratorSpawning = 3,
    GeneratorFuelConsumption = 1.0,
    SurvivorHouseChance = 3,
    VehicleStoryChance = 3,
    ZoneStoryChance = 3,
    AnnotatedMapChance = 4,
    CharacterFreePoints = 10,
    ConstructionBonusPoints = 5,
    NightDarkness = 3,
    NightLength = 3,
    InjurySeverity = 2,
    BoneFracture = true,
    HoursForCorpseRemoval = 216.0,
    DecayingCorpseHealthImpact = 3,
    BloodLevel = 3,
    ClothingDegradation = 3,
    FireSpread = false,
    DaysForRottenFoodRemoval = -1,
    AllowExteriorGenerator = true,
    MaxFogIntensity = 1,
    MaxRainFxIntensity = 1,
    EnableSnowOnGround = true,
    MultiHitZombies = true,
    RearVulnerability = 3,
    AttackBlockMovements = false,
    AllClothesUnlocked = false,
    CarSpawnRate = 3,
    ChanceHasGas = 1,
    InitialGas = 2,
    FuelStationGas = 8,
    CarGasConsumption = 0.5,
    LockedCar = 3,
    CarGeneralCondition = 2,
    CarDamageOnImpact = 3,
    DamageToPlayerFromHitByACar = 1,
    TrafficJam = true,
    CarAlarm = 2,
    PlayerDamageFromCrash = true,
    SirenShutoffHours = 1.0,
    RecentlySurvivorVehicles = 1,
    EnableVehicles = true,
    Map = {
        AllowMiniMap = true,
        AllowWorldMap = true,
        MapAllKnown = false,
    ZombieLore = {
        Speed = 2,
        Strength = 2,
        Toughness = 2,
        Transmission = 2,
        Mortality = 5,
        Reanimate = 3,
        Cognition = 3,
        CrawlUnderVehicle = 5,
        Memory = 2,
        Decomp = 1,
        Sight = 2,
        Hearing = 2,
        ThumpNoChasing = false,
        ThumpOnConstruction = false,
        ActiveOnly = 1,
        TriggerHouseAlarm = false,
        ZombiesDragDown = true,
        ZombiesFenceLunge = true,
    ZombieConfig = {
        PopulationMultiplier = 2.0,
        PopulationStartMultiplier = 1.0,
        PopulationPeakMultiplier = 1.5,
        PopulationPeakDay = 28,
        RespawnHours = 24.0,
        RespawnUnseenHours = 12.0,
        RespawnMultiplier = 0.1,
        RedistributeHours = 12.0,
        FollowSoundDistance = 100,
        RallyGroupSize = 50,
        RallyTravelDistance = 20,
        RallyGroupSeparation = 15,
        RallyGroupRadius = 3,

I always have about 5-10 players online all the time, could they be keeping the cells "awake"? I have 3 hour days so im guessin its 1.5 hours before they start respawning stuff but i have gone out to areas of the map where no one goes and killed of everything then come back later and its still dead.

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i setup a second test server, walled off west point and then admin wiped the zed population and after a couple of hours the same settings that are on my live server seemed to respawn, today i logged in to check and its well over 50% restored.


I guess im having a ultima problem with my players being locust and moving across the map too actively; im going to have to start dialing back those RespawnUnseenHours / RespawnHours until i get something that works with my population.


the issue is players are constantly logging in though out the day to do various activities

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