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Project Chernaurus: (Reworking...)


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Just had a big boo-boo happen yesterday..... :cry:  My laptop decided to crash so I had to reinstall windows again..My brand new router also decided to go POOF! Crappy day, crappy day. Luckily I make backups, but wasn't the latest backup since last week.......G*&^**!! At least I still have some of the backup on the cloud.

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Question, what did you use to make you map?, thinking of making my own(I'm terrible at drawing though),  unless Mendonca's Random Mapzoid gets updated with features like highways(The large roads aren't large enough, trying to mimic the main game's highways), oceans(seas, and rivers). And that map looked like it took weeks to make.

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Question, what did you use to make you map?, thinking of making my own(I'm terrible at drawing though),  unless Mendonca's Random Mapzoid gets updated with features like highways(The large roads aren't large enough, trying to mimic the main game's highways), oceans(seas, and rivers). And that map looked like it took weeks to make.

I used Photoshop because it's the one program I know how to use, but photoshop sometimes screws up my bitmaps, don't know why. So I started using GIMP (which is also like Photoshop...just not as pretty) which is easier to use than photoshop just getting used to the keyboard shortcuts. I looked online for the map to Chernarus, then just basically drew the map with keyboard and mouse..all doable, just takes time. Especially with all the layers....

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You can edit the width of the 'major' roads in mapzoid, if you want.

Wait, i can edit it in the program without me even knowing?



*Brain shrinks*

It's not that straightforward, to be fair.

There is a separate config file called 'init.cfg' that has a few variables you can play about with. One of those is the width of 'major' roads (the roads which run from town to town, and sometimes in the centre of larger towns).

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Ok so this is what I'm after. I managed to make a poster, but I also made a custom wall but it doesnt line up properly...it overlaps with other things, bad placement I suppose..since there are no guides yet on how I'm just free ballin it but am stuck.


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Here's the poster, it works properly,



Here's the other view, i guess I transformed the image, maybe stretched it to far



And this is what I want to accomplish,(not mine) but would like some help to understand tile placement to be able to create it and make it work and have the tiles connect or join properly


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Check the above tutorial out ... It was written a while ago and the image links are broken, but it might be a reasonable start. I'll dig out the template files I had set up and share them here.

(Nice rubble walls, Grivcin ! :))

Edit: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66536185/TileObjectsSplunkoid.pdn


Try either of these files in Paint dot net, it might give you a pointer on how to lay out tilesheets. (note I do not know how to make tilesets work for the new Zomboid - just managed to do it for previous versions - Thuztor is the man for that :))

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Fantastic, I love it :)
Looks like an ambitious project, it will be a little hard to handle ......
But the result will be amazing, i'm sure! 
Can't wait to see all this projects fully completed  :D 


Yeah very ambitious on my part, but I think I can manage, .............................................................*sigh........................

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Industry: Kitchen, Mess Hall Complete. 3/4/2014

1st Floor fT9mLkz.jpg

Outside 9fTTKkE.png

Mother of god... IS THAT A WINDOWS 8 ICON?!, AND PHOTOSHOP... and MS Paint? ;'D


That's one interesting concept of a building, looks like something that came outta' a TF2 map.

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LOL. Wong you crack me up. What's TF2? I'm not a heavy online multiplayer person. Lol

A FPS game made by Valve, it turned FPS in 2012 i think. It had a map that has a sort of styling like that building, man if only HL3 was released... but ever since they made Steam, games never came from them... OVERKILL made Payday in order to give us hope in Valve... but it failed, and they're making monay thanks to Steam... and here's their new slogan!:



"We used to make games. Now we make money.". Kind of makes sense. But hey!, at least Steam is better than Origin right? :P

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For anyone who wants to place tiles according to what type of tile it is, here is a reference (kinda'). Basically you just put the tile where you want it to show up. So basically when creating multiple tile objects make sure they are within the cubes, so when aligning the cubes in the editor they will join perfectly!VyqzJLP.jpg

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