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Tool to query the workshop for reuploads of your mods


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I've recently started playing Project Zomboid and I'm loving it so far. I recently got into adding mods to the server me and my friends play on and I noticed on a lot of the popular workshop items having big warning banners about people not wanting their content reuploaded without permission. Funnily enough, a similiar issue exists in the Workshop for Arma 3.


To help mod creators that publish their works on the workshop find reuploads faster, I created a free tool (originally for Arma 3) that automatically indexes all files of a games workshop regularly and provides a simple user interface to query the gathered information. This way, you as mod creator can quickly figure out which workshop items contain files originally coming from your own workshop mod.


How does it work?

The way it works is you enter your workshop item URL/ID, configure which files you'd like to search for out of your own workshop item and then hit QUERY. The tool will list all workshop items with atleast one matching file of yours. The matches are done by hash only, meaning files found are 1:1 the same as yours.


What can I do about my reuploaded content?

Original creators can use the DMCA system of Steam available at https://steamcommunity.com/dmca/create/ to have unrightfully uploaded content deleted from the workshop. Please note that this can only be done by the original creator of the content. 


You can reach the tool here: https://workshopcrawler.com/


Hope this helps some folks!

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