MonsterMMORPG Posted August 4, 2013 Posted August 4, 2013 http://www.monstermmorpg.comHello everyone. This is Furkan Gözükara from Turkey. I am the only developer & owner of browser based mmorpg game Monster MMORPG.I am a Master of Science (M.Sc.) Computer Engineer. Currently studying Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Cukurova University.I am using & C# to develop my game.At this thread I will share information about my game and also continuously post the official updates.Monster MMORPG was started as a browser based Pokémon MMORPG game. It was me and my 2 other friends graduation project from our Bachelor of Science. My other 2 friends gave up working on the game after we graduated in 2009.PokemonCraft became quite popular. Alexa rank top 100k, about 20k visitors per day with more than 3 million page views per day.In 2011 Nintendo lawyer send DMCA to shut down game. I still don't know why since there are like 30 other Pokémon MMORPG game.Anyway i didn't let my game get wasted so decided to convert it into a full scale Monster MMORPG game similar to Pokémon games.If you know how to play generation 3 Pokémon games, you will find this game very easy to play.I am collecting monsters from DeviantArt artists. Asking their permission to use at my game. So i have very mixed style of monsters. I have private software to automatically compose features of new monsters, assign them on maps.Each week i am able to re-assign all monsters, NPC trainers on maps and add countless new monsters. If you consider about composing a Pokémon move list, you can understand how hard task is this.I will post screenshots at the bottom of this thread.Currently (22.07.2013) we have 1,751 pets (Monster, Fake Pokémon, Fakemon) from 45 different artists. You can see all of them on our MonsterDex page.MonsterDex : several different style monsters from each class: Ancient, Legendary, Zenith, Emissary, Starter, Superior, Regular We have 7 class of Monsters. Stats changes between 213-999.Our monsters gets their moves by a special software that i designed from over 3,000 unique moves pool.Currently our experienced players are working on a new assignment mechanic and processing each moves manually to reduce move number and improve assignment process.Here our 1080p game-play tutorial video. It is totally in game footage. Only the entrance has special effects. You will not get bored while watching the tutorial video since I used pretty good musics. We have 18 elemental types. You can see type chart here.Game is composed by 19 different zones. Including every elemental type and 1 extra mixed type. Game zones can be seen here.Each zone has a 1 monster arena and you can gain 1 badge from those arenas. Also in order to navigate between zones, you have to defeat zone guard.Game has over 1,000 NPC trainers. You can battle only 1 time per day with these NPC trainers. NPC trainers gives items as reward and extra Gold and EXP.Game has total 520 unique maps. All professionally designed. Game maps can be seen here.Here several different elemental types of game maps. Since we are similar to Pokemon we have ability system. But in our system each captured pet can have 3 abilities from their ability pool.These abilities are assigned each time when a monster captured and they are permanent.At each monster details page you can see ability pools.Also our ability list can be seen here. All fully working.We also have natures like in Pokemon. But our natures affects all 6 stats and we have over 100 different natures.Natures list can be seen here.How to play tutorial with images and text can be seen here.We also provide a fully working stat calculator tool. You can load your captured monsters and play around with the values.As can be seen there we have UV and TP values. If we compare with Pokemon UV values are like IV values and TP values are like EV values.But of course still different to not violate any copyrights.Click here to play with stat calculator.What makes our game pretty different than most of the other games, we keep individual data of each captured monster.This provides us great features such as you can name your captured pet, your captured can have individual values, held item, and different characteristics.Our Monster characteristics can be seen here. Each captured monster get 3 traits.All of our monsters can be seen as 120 pixel thumbnails on this page. Page contains a lot of filtering features.We have a fully working advanced market system. Our market supports buy, sell items both from NPC and other players.Buy, sell monsters among players.Trade monsters among players. Once again our market system has a lot of filtering features which makes it pretty useful for players.Also game has over 180 items and the move items. Move items are called as MTs like TMs in Pokemon. Items are AI Item, Battle Item, Health Item, Held Item, Main Item, Monster Box, MT Item, Transformation Item.Itemdex is not available yet.Game banners and logos can be seen here.Game profile avatars can be seen at here.Registration process is really easy to game. You need to provide a valid email address, select a starting monster, select your over-world sprite, type your password and username then you are ready to play after clicking activation link that is sent to your inbox (check spam-box if you don't receive email). You can also request multiple activation emails if it didn't arrive.You can register the game here.We also have a dedicated MYBB forum for the game.I am also fan of a preventing cheating. I rather prevent it than banning cheaters. Banning cheaters only leads some cheaters to get away.For this reason, we have special game mechanics that requires very advanced special software for cheating also in-game coded Captcha question that doesn't bother real player but kill cheating.We also have a special coded chat screen integrated to the game. Chat screen has multiple language channels so you can chat in your own language.Game also has a perfectly working live PvP battle system. You can battle with your friends only and live.So what future plans do i have ?* Complete redesign of the game that will run faster, smoother and look a lot better.* Guild/Clan system: A pretty advanced one with lots of great futures* Live PvP tournaments: Private player composed tournaments may also be possible with special conditions* Live PvP maps* PvP points and ranking systemGame is hosted on a special deal dedicated server. So we are the only one that uses this server.Server features are as follows:32 GB Ram memoryIntel Xeon E3-12702x sata 3 - 256 GB SSD as raid 1 - for security reasons1x 500 gb sata 2 for storageI have a special software that updates all users ranks and statistics everyday, also optimize database and takes full backup.Game is listed, reviewed on the following authority game related sites. But most of them are outdated unfortunately. biggest problem right now is the HTML structure of the website and the UI.I started this project as a total rookie programmer and it grew and grew. So now i need a whole recode.I am in a search of web designer to get him/her design site beautifully in Photoshop. So i can recode whole site.I am always looking for volunteer artists, contributors. Our credits page has now 75 different contributors. Majority of them are volunteer Deviantart Monster, Fake Pokemon, Fakemon, pet artists.Check our credits page here: finally here the recent screenshots of the game. Thank you very much for reading. Feel free to ask any questions. lvdota and Cl0nec0mmand0 2
MonsterMMORPG Posted August 4, 2013 Author Posted August 4, 2013 Due to image limitation i had to remove so many images from the thread
Brandon354 Posted August 4, 2013 Posted August 4, 2013 Due to image limitation i had to remove so many images from the thread It looks like you have a good sized game judging from the images, but as long as you keep stating how similar it is to pokemon you are going to have to watch out for more lawyers coming your way. I can see it is unique and original though and not copy and pasted. MonsterMMORPG 1
Keepbro Posted August 4, 2013 Posted August 4, 2013 Dear Furkan, Is there any chance you could possibly post a picture of the terrifying vagina dragon?
Keepbro Posted August 4, 2013 Posted August 4, 2013 Never mind - I found it Remind me to cast that summon if I ever come across a Pikachu. He wont have a chance!! MonsterMMORPG and RoboMat 2
MonsterMMORPG Posted August 4, 2013 Author Posted August 4, 2013 It looks like you have a good sized game judging from the images, but as long as you keep stating how similar it is to pokemon you are going to have to watch out for more lawyers coming your way. I can see it is unique and original though and not copy and pasted. well calling similar is not against copyrights and there are like 30+ completely illegal pokemon mmorpg games out there right now Nintendo not anymore care about any
RoboMat Posted August 4, 2013 Posted August 4, 2013 It looks like you have a good sized game judging from the images, but as long as you keep stating how similar it is to pokemon you are going to have to watch out for more lawyers coming your way. I can see it is unique and original though and not copy and pasted. No offense, but I doubt that they / he needs those warnings about copyright claims from an (I assume) legally unexperienced person. If they need a lawyer they will surely contact someone - if they haven't done that already. I'm just saying this because on the old forums his thread was constantly berated with "uh copyright" posts and I don't think we need to have that on the new forums
TinnedEpic Posted August 15, 2013 Posted August 15, 2013 lol oh those damn copyright claims. At best since this game does not work on a pay to play basis or even ask for money through shops it could be defended as a fan mmorpg. So copyright would have a very difficult time trying to find ways to bring up a lawsuit.Either way looks interesting, 1738 different monster. Definitely topped pokemon's monster count. Might give it a go. Edit: I did notice however your using the Yin and Yang Symbol for dark, when truth is the Yin and Yang is the symbol for balance, cycles, changing, push and pull, back and forth, day and night and so on so forth. You may want to consider updating the symbol, just and fyi .Source:
MonsterMMORPG Posted August 15, 2013 Author Posted August 15, 2013 lol oh those damn copyright claims. At best since this game does not work on a pay to play basis or even ask for money through shops it could be defended as a fan mmorpg. So copyright would have a very difficult time trying to find ways to bring up a lawsuit.Either way looks interesting, 1738 different monster. Definitely topped pokemon's monster count. Might give it a go. Edit: I did notice however your using the Yin and Yang Symbol for dark, when truth is the Yin and Yang is the symbol for balance, cycles, changing, push and pull, back and forth, day and night and so on so forth. You may want to consider updating the symbol, just and fyi .Source: those were drawn voluntarily but if i have a chance to get them replaced i will consider this
TinnedEpic Posted August 15, 2013 Posted August 15, 2013 all good, thought I'd just point it out . Began playing and it's pretty good so far. Sorta atm saying to myself 'need to get all monsters in area before I move on!' As a result I'm completely broke xD. MonsterMMORPG 1
MonsterMMORPG Posted August 17, 2013 Author Posted August 17, 2013 all good, thought I'd just point it out . Began playing and it's pretty good so far. Sorta atm saying to myself 'need to get all monsters in area before I move on!' As a result I'm completely broke xD. ah i hope you enjoy feel free to ask me any questions and here the update Version 2.1.7 Deployed to Monster MMORPG * Critical stat were not getting increased when all stats were increased. This bug fixed * New feature. Now on monster capturing page you will see a monster box that shows whether you own that monster or not * 16 New monsters added to the game and 3 monsters images updated ---- Image Updated Monsters: 1775: Pangoro, 1526: Panleaf, 1527: Pochamp * With this now we don't have any official Pokemon image anymore which were mistakenly added * All monsters on maps re-assigned * All monsters default abilities re-assigned * All NPCs and their monsters re-assigned * Monster appearing ratios significantly changed. Now Emissaries will more likely to appear than regular and superior. * Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation) ---- * Credits page updated since we have new artists ---- * Special weekend bonus EXP and Gold event start - 200% * Here the new monsters Source TinnedEpic 1
MonsterMMORPG Posted August 31, 2013 Author Posted August 31, 2013 Monster MMORPG V 2.1.8 Update Changelogs* 9 Monster images updated. New images are definitely awesome.* Hit F5 or refresh button at the browser if you are still seeing older images.* Clock at the right top updated to real time* Simple pure CSS battle animation added to the game* %250 Bonus Event Started For The Weekend source
MonsterMMORPG Posted September 21, 2013 Author Posted September 21, 2013 Version 2.1.9 Update on Monster MMORPG* 6 Monster images updated with improved versions.* A requested by players new feature, filtering to the MonsterDex and All Monsters page added---- New feature screenshot* %200 EXP & Gold bonus event started for the weekend* Personal note from the Developer---- I have PhD qualifying exam this Tuesday. Insha'Allah if i can pass it, after passing it i am planning to start coding v3.Unfortunately finding quality web designer failed so i will start to not loose anymore time.* Updated monster images * New feature screenshotSource
MonsterMMORPG Posted October 5, 2013 Author Posted October 5, 2013 Free Online MMORPG Game Monster MMORPG Made For No Download Games Players & Pokemon Fans Another Cool Update V 2.2.0* 1 New monster added to the game so now we have 1,800 different monsters * Monster revamping process continue. It is slow because it is really hard to find such talented artists from reasonable prices.* 2 Monster images revamped* All monsters on maps re-assigned * All monsters default abilities re-assigned * All NPCs and their monsters re-assigned* Special weekend 200% EXP event started* Please hit F5 if you are still seeing old monstersRevamped Monsters#1223 Pyrake #858 Visiood New monsterSource
MonsterMMORPG Posted October 12, 2013 Author Posted October 12, 2013 Version 2.2.1 update on Monster MMORPG* 150% EXP and Gold bonus event started for the weekend* 4 Monster images revamped and updated--- Press F5 and refresh your browser cache if you are still seeing old images source
MonsterMMORPG Posted November 2, 2013 Author Posted November 2, 2013 Another great update of Monster MMORPG online free game* 250% EXP and Gold bonus event started for the weekend * 4 Monster images revamped (commissioned)* 6 Monster images updated (these are freebies temporary until better versions come) --- Press F5 and refresh your browser cache if you are still seeing old images* Commissioned revamped monsters * Images updated monsters freebies#711 Firahi #712 Kamburn #713 Lavampus #989 Fivida #1617 Ruptican #1618 RuptiroarSource Pelaaja2 1
MonsterMMORPG Posted November 10, 2013 Author Posted November 10, 2013 Update 2.2.3 On Monster MMORPG A Browser Based Indie Game With Pathfinding AI*** This is one of the very important update recently happened*** For the Sunday, 300% very special bonus event started. Both Gold and EXP*** Battle animation can be turned off/on from control panel. Now it is remembered*** Now you can click your username at right top to go your control panel*** First few maps now have arrow images embedded to show exits and entrance to the monster center, shop or caves*** Pathfinding feature implemented to the game---- Pathfinding or pathing is the plotting, by a computer application, of the shortest route between two points. It is a more practical variant on solving mazes. This field of research is based heavily on Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path on a weighted graph.---- In our game pathfinding works as to show you shortest path to the exits. In short a path to the route changing locations.---- Pathfinding normally very hardware power consuming stuff but we are doing preprocessing to make it lightning fast.---- Preprocessing still continues so pathfinding is supported to maps between 1-220. But in couple of days hopefully it will be supported at all of the maps.---- Pathfinding can be turned off/on from control panel---- Here pathfinding image*** Players starting positions to the game at the first map greatly randomized. So they won't compose a crowd at the front of monster center*** Individual donation page added to the game. In order to view that page you need to login and have more than 5 monsters total*** 7 Monster images completely revamped. Henrie is back ^^ (If you are still seeing old images please hit F5 or refresh the page) *** All monsters on maps re-assigned*** All NPCs and their monsters re-assignedNews Source
MonsterMMORPG Posted November 23, 2013 Author Posted November 23, 2013 * Monster MMORPG V 2.2.4 Change-logs Free MMO RPG Indie Game* 5 Monsters images are revamped. 3 Of them got also name change* 8 Monsters images slightly improved* 200% EXP boost event started for the weekend* Now when an error occurred while sending a private message it should keep your message instead of making message blank. Minimum private message title length reduced to 3 characters* Several new curse words added on chat filter. If you believe there are still please pm me* Now you can not send empty title messages with using multiple space characters* Press F5 or refresh page to see updated images as always Source
MonsterMMORPG Posted December 1, 2013 Author Posted December 1, 2013 Version 2.2.5 Update On No Cheat, No Download, Free Browser MMO RPG Monster MMORPG* 3 Monsters Revamped* 150% bonus event started for weekend* There will be a lot of giveaway events from now on, the events will be made on facebook page---- Latest event:* For weekend below monsters appear rate doubledDouble appear rateZenith on : on : on : revamped monsters (press F5 or refresh page if you are still seeing old images)
MonsterMMORPG Posted December 24, 2013 Author Posted December 24, 2013 Monster MMORPG V 2.2.6 Changelogs and awesome event announcement* Alright guys here starts the schools holiday at Monster MMORPG.* Till 6 January 2014 - 10 PM game time there will be - approx 14 days (click to see remaining time)---- %200 Bonus Gold & EXP reward from battles---- And %40 Bonus from each donation##### Example if you donate 100$ you will get 140$ balance#####* 31 monster images updated.---- 6 new professional revamps---- 2 improved professional revamps---- 23 free images that replaces old images and improves quality##### Some of the monsters names changed* Have fun* Here the list of professional revamps (thanks to those talented artists)---- Please refresh the page or hit F5 to see updated images * Here the free improvements (thanks to all those talented artists)#952 Auramus #958 Battip #965 Capty #966 Cryle #1020 Flybat #1025 Sharlow #1026 Sharcune #398 Ivygroud #615 Cunair #1005 Rattip #1006 Crystaleon #1172 Foxfire #1388 Sanditon #1457 Burzal #1722 Psycivy #1792 Canostrich #967 Raitigas #969 Cintus #1004 Luvaly #1028 Venonake #1029 Voltear #1030 Tortearec #1288 Marroslashsource1080p gameplay tutorial video - a bit outdated right now
MonsterMMORPG Posted January 6, 2014 Author Posted January 6, 2014 Monster MMORPG Another Game Patch Is Live Right Now : V 2.2.7* All monsters on all maps re-assigned* All NPCs on all maps re-assigned* All NPC monsters re-assigned* For until the school holiday event ends now the EXP & Gold bonus is 300%* Very rare monsters giveaways are continuing on our official Facebook page make sure you follow-----* 5 Monster images updated. 3 of them are commissioned and 2 of them are volunteered---* Volunteered ones * Commissioned ones source
elvendertig Posted January 6, 2014 Posted January 6, 2014 Those are some nice illustrations! MonsterMMORPG 1
MonsterMMORPG Posted January 6, 2014 Author Posted January 6, 2014 Those are some nice illustrations! thanks. hard to fine good artists with reasonable prices
MonsterMMORPG Posted January 19, 2014 Author Posted January 19, 2014 Monster MMORPG V 2.2.8 Beta Update IS NoW LiVE* Press F5 (or refresh button in browser) to see updated images* For a week 100% bonus EXP & Gold event started* Total 22 monster images updated. Some of them also has got name changes.* 1 image is professionally revamped (Paid)* 21 monster images updated by volunteer artists contributions (Free) News Source
MonsterMMORPG Posted January 27, 2014 Author Posted January 27, 2014 Free to play M.Sc. computer engineer developed indie game browser based mmo rpg MonsterMMORPG V 2.2.9 Change logs* Press F5 (or refresh button in browser) to see updated images* Total 13 monster images updated. All of them are from volunteered artists. Expect one of the artist is i recently commissioned. The commissioned monster is not ready yet although.* 1 image is done by this new commissioned artist as a freebie* 12 monster images updated by volunteer artists contributions (Free) change log source
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