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Carrying Logs


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I don’t think this will be the most popular suggestion, but hear me out. 

We shouldn’t be able to carry 4-5 logs outside of our bags and not in our hands. How exactly are we carrying these? Not like we’re stuffing them in our various pockets or attaching them to our belts. Its a log. 

Other large objects in the game like generators and corpses are carried in our hands. 

I suggest a few changes to logs. 

First, we should have to carry them in our hands. Explain to me how else we’re supposed to carry a log? Even putting one in a bag is a bit of a stretch. This would require us to drop the log before combat. Are you really going to be able to fight carrying any number of logs? 

Second, a log’s weight encumbrance should be increased to make us heavily encumbered by carrying just one. Two max.

Third, to compensate for the disadvantages of having to carry logs in your hands and them weighing much more, when sawed they produce significantly more planks.  This means you aren’t burdened with having to make many more runs carrying logs around with the above changes.

This would make transporting logs more plausible than sticking them in my pockets. 

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I would like to see tree harvesting reworked a little overall. When felled, it should be one solid piece, with maybe some twigs on the side. Then have to saw or clear branches manually, then the main trunk cut into the logs themselves. In my limited experience felling trees, which is next to none, I can still safely say that it is time consuming work using just axe and saw.


And allow planks to be cut using wedges of wood combined with axe and hammers. That I have done successfully. Just cut a notch with axes, then pound wooden wedges into it. I can also say that that is also quite time consuming, since I've never done it prior. With practice, I'm sure the time spent could be cut down. 


And back more to the original post, logs are freaking heavy. I agree that they should take up the hand slots to carry. Maybe bundling them with rope allows you to carry(or more likely drag) a few more.


And copicing, anyone? Any trees felled in winter grow back at a slightly increased rate, as opposed to being just gone and forced to grow back naturally from seed(the normal erosion speed based version).


And climbing trees to see over other trees in the way, maybe?


Alright, I'll stop before going too overboard here.

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