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Bulldozers would have unique properties exclusive to it. The pros of the Bulldozer would be:

-ability to clear large amounts of trees

-ability to bulldoze right thru high fences and thru walls

-ability to plow right thru hordes of zombies 

However, the drawbacks would balance it out:

-No doors to protect you from zombies or other players 

-Loud as hell (bout as loud as a shotgun)

-Huge gas guzzler 

-would have rare, unique mechanic parts

-Slow as a car with sunday driver 

-Only found in Storage or Construction zones

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Would be alright in sp, but I feel it might be a little much on mp. They nerfed the hell out of sledge hammer spawns for reason, I suspect. Might make it too easy to wreck someone's many hours of construction time.


Haven't played any mp yet myself, so this opinions is best seasoned with a grain of salt, so to speak.


Definitely would be fun to play with regardless.

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Would be alright in sp, but I feel it might be a little much on mp. They nerfed the hell out of sledge hammer spawns for reason, I suspect. Might make it too easy to wreck someone's many hours of construction time.


Haven't played any mp yet myself, so this opinions is best seasoned with a grain of salt, so to speak.


Definitely would be fun to play with regardless.

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Yes in the line of more types of cars, but yes an option to have it of in mp is a need but still if you have a privat co-op server whit only frends you shud be able to use it. Dont know if its clasifird as Tank or tractors...


But clases i like to se coming is;


- tractors



-house cars

+ diferents type of heavy types of trucks 

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would love to see dozers but they should be much much slower than sunday driver. 
they basically go at a walking pace irl. 

totally agree they should be very loud (engine and tracks will screech) and consume large volumes of fuel. 

basically moving one around the map will be dangerous and very high effort.

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