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Admin Server Statistics clarification request


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Hi there,


Can someone from the dev team provide some clarifications on the meaning for the Zombies statistics?

The server has wild performance differences and does so crazy Swings in zombie population. 


For example, just a few minutes ago, went from normal stable 4k zombies to 13k out of no where, tanking the server responsiveness hard.

Most of them marked as "Unauthorized" for a few minutes later, to switch them to "Reusable".


Would be great if some explanation on what each statistic here means. (the more technical the better btw) 


Lastly, the FPS section.

I understand that in terms of "Main" fps, it's the server tick rate, where the target is 10. 

What about networking? What does it represent and what is considered to be healthy values? 
I've seen a big variation here, from having 150 fps on Networking, to be as low as 10 or less.


Thank you. 



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I would expect someone from the Dev team to be the only ones knowing this.

To be honest, I wonder why does this forum section even exist with the lack of responses in the majority of topics being raised by people. 

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