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How to check that a zombie (IsoZombie) is dead ?


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I'm messing around with zeds and haven't succeded at checking if a zed is dead. Here's what i'm doing :

-- spawning of a zedlocal zed = getVirtualZombieManager():createRealZombieNow(fromx, fromy, fromz);	zed:setFakeDead(false);zed:setForceFakeDead(false);zed:PathTo(tox, toy, toz, true);table.insert(zedTable, zed);

And to check if one have been killed :

for _,v in pairs(zedTable) do    if v:isDead() then        print(v:toString() .. " is dead");        -- other stuff    endend

v:isDead() never returns true (of course I killed the zombie before triggering the function).


I tried to check the objects on the IsoZombie square to find a IsoDeadBody, but it is not on the same square (it's also an ugly way to solve the problem :P).





EDIT : if I don't kill the zombie with my axe and use v:Kill(nil) instead then v:isDead() do return true. Weird.

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I think the problem might come from this:

  public void Hit(HandWeapon weapon, IsoGameCharacter wielder, float damageSplit, boolean bIgnoreDamage, float modDelta)  {    super.Hit(weapon, wielder, damageSplit, bIgnoreDamage, modDelta);    this.target = wielder;    if (this.Health <= 0.0F)    {      if (!this.bDead)      {        DoZombieInventory();        LuaEventManager.triggerEvent("OnZombieDead", this);        this.bDead = true;      }    }    this.TimeSinceSeenFlesh = 0;  }
As it only sets the bDead variable of the IsoZombie and not the one of the superclass (no guarantee that this is correct, as I didn't spend too much time on reading through the java code).

Why not use an alternative approach?

[...]-- spawning of a zedlocal zed = getVirtualZombieManager():createRealZombieNow(fromx, fromy, fromz);zed:setFakeDead(false);zed:setForceFakeDead(false);zed:PathTo(tox, toy, toz, true);-- mark zombielocal md = zed:getModData();md.id = "SpecialZombieICreated";[...]-- called when zombie is killedlocal function check(_z)	local z = _z;	local md = z:getModData();	-- see if it is one of our marked zombies	if md.id == "SpecialZombieICreated" then		doAwesomeStuff();	else		return;	endendEvents.OnZombieDead.Add(check);
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Thanks a lot, you're both right, the super is not the same so ... (I also think a zed can have 0 health and not be dead; at 0 health if I gently push it bare handed, it dies on ground).



OnTick is good but OnZombieDead is less ressource heavy :D The modData trick worked perfectly !


btw where did you find this event ?! I have this list :

Event reference - Project Zomboid mods & tutorials


EDIT : thanks a lot, got them all now :)


Thanks again,


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Yeah I use your mod, that "don't push it" really bugged me, I clicked, and died painfully :), really usefull to play with stuff and test custom mods :D


Looking forward to the parsing of custom items.txt (maybe you could use the receipes, and the items needed, to store almost all game items ?)

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Hm, I'm don't think it's necessary to make another thread so I'll ask here :D


Yeah, still me and my beloved zeds : they don't want to spawn :(

It works using coordinates close to the player, but not far way :

local zed = getVirtualZombieManager():createRealZombieNow(fromx, fromy, fromz);zed:setFakeDead(false);attempted index: setFakeDead of non-table: null

Coordinates were (9511, 11204, 0).


This is odd, my guess is I have to explore the world before being able to spawn stuff ?

Thanks again :P

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