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Can you overwrite the Lua defination variable?


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Like in media\lua\shared\Foraging\forageSystem.lua

There are a bunch of defination variables for forageSystem:

forageSystem = {
	isInitialised		 = false,
	-- definition tables
	itemDefs             = {}, -- item table
	catDefs    		     = {}, -- category definitions
	zoneDefs             = {}, -- zone definitions
	-- forage system loot tables
	lootTables			 = {},  -- the loot table - see generateLootTable for structure
	lootTableMonth   	 = nil, -- used to keep the loot table in line with the game date
	maxIconsPerZone      = 2000,
	-- sandbox settings
	-- (Abundance Settings)
	NatureAbundance         = { -75, -50, 0, 50, 100 }, -- bonus percent density per zone
	OtherLoot       		= { -75, -50, 0, 50, 100 }, -- bonus percent density per zone

Can you make a file to overwrite some of these variables, but not overwriting the entire file? Because that would be a lot of problems when future updates come up.

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