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Hey Guys,


I had an idea that someone else has probably requested before but i'm just gonna post it again.


My idea is vehicles from cars, bikes, helicopters, etc. since you can get tired very easy from running and run out of energy I thought that you could fix up a car and be able to drive it around...although there would be some obvious consequences like the car makes noise, you have to keep getting gas, have to find parts, battery's, etc.



Cars would be something that would be pretty hard to find because everyone has either took them with them when they escaped or they crashed them so finding a car would be a rare thing to get but you could find it in barns, garages, roads (but would most likely be out of gas), and the body of one you can piece together.

Fuel for cars would be as rare as finding farming areas since there possible to find but it can take some time. My idea is that while your driving you could have 1 hour real time nonstop driving and at the speed 3x of running.



Bikes would be something pretty common to find but not something you would take over a car, although a bike will never need gas you will still need to use energy to peddle but you won't get tired as quick as running. Bikes will go 2x the amount of speed from running.



Helicopters are the huge prize you can find in the game they would go 6x the speed of running but they will suck up extreme amounts of fuel and will never be in perfect shape when found they could be crash landed in a field or in a military base where they would be in a little better shape. When you find one your gonna want to remember where it is because if you plan on piecing it back together because your going to be constantly looting for days on end looking for parts. Although helicopters are the perfect vehicle it is not an escape vehicle if anything you would be using it for a fresh start since no where is safe.


Thank you for anyone who's reads this i'm not the best at posting but I am very grateful if you give what I posted some thought!  :)



Cars and Bikes yes, as talked about here: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/192-commonly-suggested-suggestions-read-before-posting/


Helicopters? No. You're character has no idea how to fix/fly one unless they decide to add a pilot profession which I doubt. You should really read if a suggestion is posted before posting, as it is possibly already been discussed and a new thread rarely brings anything new to the conversation.


Thanks for the input! This has actually been discussed ad nauseum. It's on the "Confirmed Yes" list and doesn't really need a lot of discussion right now unless there's something extraordinary and new to add. Connall is correct about the helicopters: we won't be seeing those as a player piloted vehicle, as much because of viewpoint problems as because it wouldn't fit with what the game is trying to do.


I'm going to lock this thread, if you have any questions please feel free to PM me! Oh, and welcome to the PZ forums, we're glad to have ya!

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