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[41.53] (Low priority) Too many farming books spawning in gardening distribution despite being set to "extremely rare"


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I got 1 entire set plus all of the books above (A total of 32 books!!) when I looted a total of 8 containers in the Farming & Rural Supply shop in the unnamed rural town in the centre of the map. The sandbox settings I was running had literature set to "extremely rare".

This may be due to the extra weight books seem to have as a result of having so many entries in the roll table in ProceduralDefinitions.lua - it seems like theres an inordinately high number of books that seem to spawn compared to literally any other item in the tables relating to gardening or farming supplies.

At least 3 books spawned per container including duplicates and in two of those containers there was a full set. This seems at odds with the spirit of setting literature to extremely rare - i have out of curiousity restarted six times with new games spawning in that town and every single time I got at least 2 full sets of the Farming skill books from this one single shop.

Note that I am using a mod that only changes the display name of the books - it does not affect the distributions at all and this loot distribution is vanilla.

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